
Adel Bouhoula

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34EEAdel Bouhoula: Simultaneous checking of completeness and ground confluence for algebraic specifications. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 10(3): (2009)
33EESourour Meharouech, Adel Bouhoula, Tarek Abbes: Collaboration between Security Devices toward improving Network Defense. ACIS-ICIS 2008: 13-18
32EEMeriam Ben-Ghorbel-Talbi, Frédéric Cuppens, Nora Cuppens-Boulahia, Adel Bouhoula: Revocation Schemes for Delegation Licences. ICICS 2008: 190-205
31EEMehdi Talbi, Benjamin Morin, Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Adel Bouhoula, Mohamed Mejri: Specification of Electronic Voting Protocol Properties Using ADM Logic: FOO Case Study. ICICS 2008: 403-418
30EEAdel Bouhoula, Florent Jacquemard: Automated Induction with Constrained Tree Automata. IJCAR 2008: 539-554
29EENizar Ben Neji, Adel Bouhoula: Self-adjusting scheme for high speed routers. LCN 2008: 542-543
28EETarek Abbes, Adel Bouhoula, Michaël Rusinowitch: An inference system for detecting firewall filtering rules anomalies. SAC 2008: 2122-2128
27EEAdel Bouhoula, Florent Jacquemard: Automated Induction for Complex Data Structures CoRR abs/0811.4720: (2008)
26EEAdel Bouhoula, Zouheir Trabelsi, Ezedin Barka, Mohammed Anis Benelbahri: Firewall filtering rules analysis for anomalies detection. IJSN 3(3): 161-172 (2008)
25EESourour Meharouech, Adel Bouhoula, Tarek Abbes: A Stateful Real Time Intrusion Detection System for high-speed network. AINA 2007: 404-411
24EETarek Abbes, Adel Bouhoula, Michaël Rusinowitch: A Traffic Classification Algorithm for Intrusion Detection. AINA Workshops (1) 2007: 188-193
23EEHédi Hamdi, Mohamed Mosbah, Adel Bouhoula: A Domain Specific Language for Securing Distributed Systems. ICSNC 2007: 76
22EEMohammed Anis Benelbahri, Adel Bouhoula: Tuple Based Approach for Anomalies Detection within Firewall Filtering Rules. ISCC 2007: 63-70
21EEHédi Hamdi, Adel Bouhoula, Mohamed Mosbah: A Software Architecture for Automatic Security Policy Enforcement in Distributed Systems. SECURWARE 2007: 187-192
20EETarek Abbes, Adel Bouhoula, Michaël Rusinowitch: Protocol Analysis in Intrusion Detection Using Decision Tree. ITCC (1) 2004: 404-408
19EEAdel Bouhoula, Michaël Rusinowitch: Observational proofs by rewriting. Theor. Comput. Sci. 275(1-2): 675-698 (2002)
18 Adel Bouhoula, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud: Automata-Driven Automated Induction. Inf. Comput. 169(1): 1-22 (2001)
17EEAdel Bouhoula: Simultaneous Checking of Completeness and Ground Confluence. ASE 2000: 143-
16EEAdel Bouhoula, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, José Meseguer: Specification and proof in membership equational logic. Theor. Comput. Sci. 236(1-2): 35-132 (2000)
15EENarjes Berregeb, Adel Bouhoula, Michaël Rusinowitch: Observational Proofs with Critical Contexts. FASE 1998: 38-53
14EEAdel Bouhoula, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud: Automata-Driven Automated Induction. LICS 1997: 14-25
13 Adel Bouhoula, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, José Meseguer: Specification and Proof in Membership Equational Logic. TAPSOFT 1997: 67-92
12 Adel Bouhoula: Automated Theorem Proving by Test Set Induction. J. Symb. Comput. 23(1): 47-77 (1997)
11 Narjes Berregeb, Adel Bouhoula, Michaël Rusinowitch: Automated Verification by Induction with Associative-Commutative Operators. CAV 1996: 220-231
10 Adel Bouhoula: General Framework for Mechanizing Induction using Test Set. PRICAI 1996: 1-12
9 Narjes Berregeb, Adel Bouhoula, Michaël Rusinowitch: SPIKE-AC: A System for Proofs by Induction in Associative-Commutative Theories. RTA 1996: 428-431
8EEAdel Bouhoula: Using Induction and Rewriting to Verify and Complete Parameterized Specifications. Theor. Comput. Sci. 170(1-2): 245-276 (1996)
7 Adel Bouhoula, Michaël Rusinowitch: SPIKE: A System for Automatic Inductive Proofs. AMAST 1995: 576-577
6 Adel Bouhoula, Michaël Rusinowitch: Implicit Induction in Conditional Theories. J. Autom. Reasoning 14(2): 189-235 (1995)
5 Adel Bouhoula, Emmanuel Kounalis, Michaël Rusinowitch: Automated Mathematical Induction. J. Log. Comput. 5(5): 631-668 (1995)
4 Adel Bouhoula: Sufficient Completeness and Parameterized Proofs by Induction. ALP 1994: 23-40
3 Adel Bouhoula: SPIKE: a System for Sufficient Completeness and Parameterized Inductive Proofs. CADE 1994: 836-840
2 Adel Bouhoula, Michaël Rusinowitch: Automatic Case Analysis in Proof by Induction. IJCAI 1993: 88-94
1 Adel Bouhoula, Emmanuel Kounalis, Michaël Rusinowitch: SPIKE, an Automatic Theorem Prover. LPAR 1992: 460-462

Coauthor Index

1Tarek Abbes [20] [24] [25] [28] [33]
2Ezedin Barka [26]
3Meriam Ben-Ghorbel-Talbi (Meriam Ben Ghorbel) [32]
4Mohammed Anis Benelbahri [22] [26]
5Narjes Berregeb [9] [11] [15]
6Frédéric Cuppens [32]
7Nora Cuppens-Boulahia (Nora Boulahia-Cuppens) [32]
8Hédi Hamdi [21] [23]
9Florent Jacquemard [27] [30]
10Jean-Pierre Jouannaud [13] [14] [16] [18]
11Emmanuel Kounalis [1] [5]
12Sourour Meharouech [25] [33]
13Mohamed Mejri [31]
14José Meseguer [13] [16]
15Benjamin Morin [31]
16Mohamed Mosbah [21] [23]
17Nizar Ben Neji [29]
18Michaël Rusinowitch [1] [2] [5] [6] [7] [9] [11] [15] [19] [20] [24] [28]
19Mehdi Talbi [31]
20Valérie Viet Triem Tong [31]
21Zouheir Trabelsi [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)