
A. Botnen

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4EEA. Botnen, X. Wang, R. Jelliffe, N. Hoem, M. Thomas: Population Pharmacokinetic/Dynamic (PK/PD) Modeling via the World Wide Web. CBMS 2001: 163-
3EER. Jelliffe, D. Bayard, A. Schumitzky, M. Milman, F. Jiang, S. Leonov, V. Gandhi, A. Gandhi, A. Botnen: Multiple Model (MM) Dosage Design: Achieving Target Goals with Maximal Precision. CBMS 2001: 23-
2EEW. C. Shoemaker, C. C. J. Wo, A. Botnen, R. W. Jelliffe, D. S. Bayard: Development of a Hemodynamic Database in Severe Trauma Patients to Define Optimal Goals and Predict Outcome. CBMS 2001: 231-236
1EED. S. Bayard, A. Botnen, W. C. Shoemaker, R. Jelliffe: Stochastic Analysis of Therapeutic Modalities Using a Database of Patient Responses. CBMS 2001: 439-444

Coauthor Index

1D. Bayard [3]
2D. S. Bayard [1] [2]
3A. Gandhi [3]
4V. Gandhi [3]
5N. Hoem [4]
6R. Jelliffe [1] [3] [4]
7R. W. Jelliffe [2]
8F. Jiang [3]
9S. Leonov [3]
10M. Milman [3]
11A. Schumitzky [3]
12W. C. Shoemaker [1] [2]
13M. Thomas [4]
14X. Wang [4]
15C. C. J. Wo [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)