2008 |
42 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Alessandro Campi,
Giuseppe Psaila,
Stefania Ronchi:
A language for manipulating clustered web documents results.
CIKM 2008: 23-32 |
41 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Alessandro Campi,
Giuseppe Psaila,
Stefania Ronchi:
An interaction framework for mobile web search.
MoMM 2008: 183-191 |
40 | EE | Gabriella Pasi,
Gloria Bordogna:
Special track on Information Access and Retrieval: editorial message.
SAC 2008: 1079-1080 |
39 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Marco Pagani,
Gabriella Pasi,
Giuseppe Psaila:
Evaluating uncertain location-based spatial queries.
SAC 2008: 1095-1100 |
38 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
A flexible model for the evaluation of soft conditional preferences in fuzzy databases.
Int. J. Intell. Syst. 23(12): 1264-1281 (2008) |
37 | EE | Paola Carrara,
Gloria Bordogna,
Mirco Boschetti,
Pietro Alessandro Brivio,
A. Nelson,
D. Stroppiana:
A flexible multi-source spatial-data fusion system for environmental status assessment at continental scale.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 22(7): 781-799 (2008) |
2007 |
36 | EE | Marco Pagani,
Gloria Bordogna,
Massimiliano Valle:
Mining Multidimensional Data Using Clustering Techniques.
DEXA Workshops 2007: 382-386 |
35 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Marco Pagani,
Gabriella Pasi:
Consensual Fusion of Multisource Spatial data in presence of uncertainty.
FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6 |
34 | EE | Mark Baillie,
Gloria Bordogna,
Fabio Crestani,
Monica Landoni,
Gabriella Pasi:
The PENG System: Integrating Push and Pull for Information Access.
ICADL 2007: 351-360 |
33 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Marco Pagani,
Gabriella Pasi,
Giuseppe Psaila:
Flexible Location-Based Spatial Queries.
IFSA (2) 2007: 36-45 |
32 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Luca Ghilardi,
Simone Milesi,
Marco Pagani:
A flexible retrieval system of shapes in binary images.
SIGIR 2007: 745-746 |
31 | EE | Gabriella Pasi,
Gloria Bordogna,
Robert Villa:
A multi-criteria content-based filtering system.
SIGIR 2007: 775-776 |
30 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Luca Ghilardi,
Simone Milesi,
Marco Pagani:
A Flexible System for the Retrieval of Shapes in Binary Images.
WILF 2007: 370-377 |
29 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
A flexible approach to evaluating soft conditions with unequal preferences in fuzzy databases.
Int. J. Intell. Syst. 22(7): 665-689 (2007) |
2006 |
28 | EE | Gabriella Pasi,
Gloria Bordogna,
Robert Villa:
The PENG System: Practice and Experience.
DEXA Workshops 2006: 445-449 |
27 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Marco Pagani,
Gabriella Pasi,
Robert Villa:
A Flexible News Filtering Model Exploiting a Hierarchical Fuzzy Categorization.
FQAS 2006: 170-184 |
26 | EE | Donald H. Kraft,
Gabriella Pasi,
Gloria Bordogna:
Vagueness and uncertainty in information retrieval: how can fuzzy sets help?
IWRIDL 2006: 3 |
25 | EE | Gabriella Pasi,
Gloria Bordogna:
Overview of the PENG project.
SAMT (Posters and Demos) 2006 |
24 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Sergio Chiesa,
Davide Geneletti:
Linguistic modelling of imperfect spatial information as a basis for simplifying spatial analysis.
Inf. Sci. 176(4): 366-389 (2006) |
2005 |
23 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Giuseppe Psaila:
Extending SQL with customizable soft selection conditions.
SAC 2005: 1107-1111 |
22 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
Personalised Indexing and Retrieval of Heterogeneous Structured Documents.
Inf. Retr. 8(2): 301-318 (2005) |
2004 |
21 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Giuseppe Psaila:
Fuzzy-Spatial SQL.
FQAS 2004: 307-319 |
20 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
A model for a SOft Fusion of Information Accesses on the web.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 148(1): 105-118 (2004) |
2003 |
19 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Paola Carrara,
Sergio Chiesa,
Stefano Spaccapietra:
A Dual Representation of Uncertain Dynamic Spatial Information.
IFSA 2003: 652-659 |
18 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi,
Ronald R. Yager:
Soft approaches to distributed information retrieval.
Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 34(2-3): 105-120 (2003) |
17 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Sergio Chiesa:
A Fuzzy Object-Based Data Model for Imperfect Spatial Information Integrating Exact Objects and Fields.
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 11(1): 23-42 (2003) |
2002 |
16 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
Flexible querying of WEB documents.
SAC 2002: 675-680 |
2001 |
15 | | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
A User-Adaptive Indexing Model of Structured Documents.
FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 984-989 |
14 | | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
Graph-based interaction in a fuzzy object oriented database.
Int. J. Intell. Syst. 16(7): 821-841 (2001) |
13 | | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
An Ordinal Information Retrieval Model.
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 9(Supplement): 63-76 (2001) |
2000 |
12 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
Modeling Vagueness in Information Retrieval.
ESSIR 2000: 207-241 |
11 | | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
Flexible Querying of Structured Documents.
FQAS 2000: 350-361 |
10 | | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
Modeling linguistic qualifiers of uncertainty in a fuzzy database.
Int. J. Intell. Syst. 15(11): 995-1014 (2000) |
1999 |
9 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
Typicality based on soft aggregations in fuzzy object oriented databases.
EUSFLAT-ESTYLF Joint Conf. 1999: 489-492 |
8 | | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
Linguistic Qualifiers of Vagueness and Uncertainty in a Fuzzy Object Oriented Data Model.
IIA/SOCO 1999 |
1996 |
7 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Patrick Bosc,
Gabriella Pasi:
Fuzzy inclusion in database and information retrieval query interpretation.
SAC 1996: 547-551 |
1995 |
6 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
Handling Vagueness in Information Retrieval Systems.
ANNES 1995: 110-115 |
5 | EE | Dario Lucarella,
Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
Pattern-based retrieval in a fuzzy object oriented data base.
SAC 1995: 508-513 |
4 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
Controlling retrieval through a user-adaptive representation of documents.
Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 12(3-4): 317-339 (1995) |
1994 |
3 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
A fuzzy query language with a linguistic hierarchical aggregator.
SAC 1994: 184-187 |
1993 |
2 | | Gloria Bordogna,
Gabriella Pasi:
A Fuzzy Linguistic Approach Generalizing Boolean Information Retrieval: A Model and Its Evaluation.
JASIS 44(2): 70-82 (1993) |
1991 |
1 | EE | Gloria Bordogna,
Paola Carrara,
Gabriella Pasi:
Query term weights as constraints in fuzzy information retrieval.
Inf. Process. Manage. 27(1): 15-26 (1991) |