
Catherine Boileau

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5 Gwenaëlle Collod-Béroud, Christophe Béroud, Lesley Adès, Cheryl Black, Maureen Boxer, David J. H. Brock, Katherine J. Holman, Anne De Paepe, Uta Francke, Ulrich Grau, Caroline Hayward, Hanns-Georg Klein, Wanguo Liu, Lieve Nuytinck, Leena Peltonen, Ana Beatriz Alvarez Perez, Terhi Rantamäki, Claudine Junien, Catherine Boileau: Marfan Database (third edition): new mutations and new routines for the software. Nucleic Acids Research 26(1): 229-233 (1998)
4 Mathilde Varret, Jean-Pierre Rabès, Rochelle Thiart, Maritha J. Kotze, Heike Baron, Ana Cenarro, Olivier Descamps, Margit Ebhardt, Jean-Claude Hondelijn, Gert M. Kostner, Yasuko Miyake, Miguel Pocovi, Hartmut Schmidt, Helena Schmidt, Herbert Schuster, Manfred Stuhrmann, Taku Yamamura, Claudine Junien, Christophe Béroud, Catherine Boileau: LDLR Database (second edition): new additions to the database and the software, and results of the first molecular analysis. Nucleic Acids Research 26(1): 248-252 (1998)
3 Gwenaëlle Collod-Béroud, Christophe Béroud, Lesley Adès, Cheryl Black, Maureen Boxer, David J. H. Brock, Maurice Godfrey, Caroline Hayward, Leena Karttunen, Dianna Milewicz, Leena Peltonen, Robert I. Richards, Mei Wang, Claudine Junien, Catherine Boileau: Marfan Database (second edition): software and database for the analysis of mutations in the human FBN1 gene. Nucleic Acids Research 25(1): 147-150 (1997)
2 Mathilde Varret, Jean-Pierre Rabès, Gwenaëlle Collod-Béroud, Claudine Junien, Catherine Boileau, Christophe Béroud: Software and database for the analysis of mutations in the human LDL receptor gene. Nucleic Acids Research 25(1): 172-180 (1997)
1 Gwenaëlle Collod, Christophe Béroud, Thierry Soussi, Claudine Junien, Catherine Boileau: Software and database for the analysis of mutations in the human FBN1 gene. Nucleic Acids Research 24(1): 137-140 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Lesley Adès [3] [5]
2Heike Baron [4]
3Christophe Béroud [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Cheryl Black [3] [5]
5Maureen Boxer [3] [5]
6David J. H. Brock [3] [5]
7Ana Cenarro [4]
8Gwenaëlle Collod-Béroud (Gwenaëlle Collod) [1] [2] [3] [5]
9Olivier Descamps [4]
10Margit Ebhardt [4]
11Uta Francke [5]
12Maurice Godfrey [3]
13Ulrich Grau [5]
14Caroline Hayward [3] [5]
15Katherine J. Holman [5]
16Jean-Claude Hondelijn [4]
17Claudine Junien [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
18Leena Karttunen [3]
19Hanns-Georg Klein [5]
20Gert M. Kostner [4]
21Maritha J. Kotze [4]
22Wanguo Liu [5]
23Dianna Milewicz [3]
24Yasuko Miyake [4]
25Lieve Nuytinck [5]
26Anne De Paepe [5]
27Leena Peltonen [3] [5]
28Ana Beatriz Alvarez Perez [5]
29Miguel Pocovi [4]
30Jean-Pierre Rabès [2] [4]
31Terhi Rantamäki [5]
32Robert I. Richards [3]
33Hartmut Schmidt [4]
34Helena Schmidt [4]
35Herbert Schuster [4]
36Thierry Soussi [1]
37Manfred Stuhrmann [4]
38Rochelle Thiart [4]
39Mathilde Varret [2] [4]
40Mei Wang [3]
41Taku Yamamura [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)