
Jürgen Bohn

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15EEJürgen Bohn: Prototypical implementation of location-aware services based on a middleware architecture for super-distributed RFID tag infrastructures. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 12(2): 155-166 (2008)
14EEJulian Randall, Oliver Amft, Jürgen Bohn, Martin Burri: LuxTrace: indoor positioning using building illumination. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11(6): 417-428 (2007)
13EEJürgen Bohn: Prototypical Implementation of Location-Aware Services Based on Super-Distributed RFID Tags. ARCS 2006: 69-83
12EEJürgen Bohn, Friedemann Mattern: Super-distributed RFID Tag Infrastructures. EUSAI 2004: 1-12
11EEVlad Coroama, Jürgen Bohn, Friedemann Mattern: Living in a smart environment - implications for the coming ubiquitous information society. SMC (6) 2004: 5633-5638
10EEJürgen Bohn: Instant Personalization and Temporary Ownership of Handheld Devices. WMCSA 2004: 134-143
9EEMichael Rohs, Jürgen Bohn: Entry Points into a Smart Campus Environment - Overview of the ETHOC System. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 260-
8EEJürgen Bohn, Felix C. Gärtner, Harald Vogt: Dependability Issues of Pervasive Computing in a Healthcare Environment. SPC 2003: 53-70
7 Jürgen Bohn, Günter Karjoth: Sicherheitsdienste für mobile Agentenanwendungen. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2001: 305-314
6EEJürgen Bohn, Günter Karjoth: Generische Sicherheitsdienste für mobile Anwendungen. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 220: (2001)
5EETom Bienmüller, Jürgen Bohn, Henning Brinkmann, Udo Brockmeyer, Werner Damm, Hardi Hungar, Peter Jansen: Verification of Automotive Control Units. Correct System Design 1999: 319-341
4 Jürgen Bohn, Werner Damm, Orna Grumberg, Hardi Hungar, Karen Laster: First-Order-CTL Model Checking. FSTTCS 1998: 283-294
3 Jürgen Bohn, Wil Janssen: A Strategic Approach to Transformational Design. FME 1996: 609-628
2 Jürgen Bohn, Hardi Hungar: Traverdi - Transformation and Verification of Distributed Systems. KORSO Book 1995: 317-338
1 Jürgen Bohn, Stephan Rössig: On Automatic and Interactive Design of Communication Systems. TACAS 1995: 216-237

Coauthor Index

1Oliver Amft [14]
2Tom Bienmüller [5]
3Henning Brinkmann [5]
4Udo Brockmeyer [5]
5Martin Burri [14]
6Vlad Coroama [11]
7Werner Damm [4] [5]
8Felix C. Freiling (Felix C. Gärtner) [8]
9Orna Grumberg [4]
10Hardi Hungar [2] [4] [5]
11Peter Jansen [5]
12Wil Janssen [3]
13Günter Karjoth [6] [7]
14Friedemann Mattern [11] [12]
15Julian Randall [14]
16Michael Rohs [9]
17Stephan Rössig [1]
18Harald Vogt [8]
19Karen Yorav (Karen Laster) [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)