
Igor Boglaev

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6EEIgor Boglaev: The solution of a semilinear evolutionary convection-diffusion problem by a monotone domain decomposition algorithm. Applied Mathematics and Computation 197(2): 536-547 (2008)
5EEIgor Boglaev, Sophie Pack: A uniformly convergent method for a singularly perturbed semilinear reaction-diffusion problem with discontinuous data. Applied Mathematics and Computation 182(1): 244-257 (2006)
4EEIgor Boglaev: Monotone Iterates for Solving Nonlinear Monotone Difference Schemes. Computing 78(1): 17-30 (2006)
3EEIgor Boglaev: Schwarz alternating algorithms for a convection-diffusion problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation 165(3): 647-668 (2005)
2EEIgor Boglaev: A monotone weighted average method for a non-linear reaction-diffusion problem. Int. J. Comput. Math. 82(8): 1017-1031 (2005)
1EEIgor Boglaev: Uniform Convergence of a Monotone Iterative Method for a Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Problem. NAA 2004: 1-13

Coauthor Index

1Sophie Pack [5]

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