
Kalyani Bogineni

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14EEKalyani Bogineni, Flemming Andreasen: Policy Peering for Next-Generation Networks. POLICY 2008: 211-214
13 Patrick W. Dowd, Kalyani Bogineni, Khaled A. Aly, James A. Perreault: Addendum to "Hierarchical Scalable Photonic Architectures for High-Performance Processor Interconnection". IEEE Trans. Computers 43(7): 864 (1994)
12 Patrick W. Dowd, Kalyani Bogineni: TDM-Based WDM Access Protocols: A Comparison of Reservation and Preallocation Strategies for a Photonic Star-Coupled Configuration. Int. Journal in Computer Simulation 4(1): 21-40 (1994)
11 Patrick W. Dowd, Kalyani Bogineni, Khaled A. Aly, James A. Perreault: Design and Analysis of a Hierarchical Scalable Photonic Architecture. HPDC 1993: 289-296
10 Patrick W. Dowd, Kalyani Bogineni: Switching Latency Overlap Techniques for WDM Star-Coupled Media Access Protocols. INFOCOM 1993: 65-74
9 Patrick W. Dowd, Kalyani Bogineni: A Modeling Technique for Media Access Protocol Evaluation. MASCOTS 1993: 115-120
8EEKrishna M. Sivalingam, Kalyani Bogineni, Patrick W. Dowd: Acknowledgement techniques of random access based media access protocols for a WDM photonic environment. Computer Communications 16(8): 458-471 (1993)
7 Kalyani Bogineni, Krishna M. Sivalingam, Patrick W. Dowd: Low-Complexity Multiple Access Protocols for Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Photonic Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(4): 590-604 (1993)
6 Patrick W. Dowd, Kalyani Bogineni, Khaled A. Aly, James A. Perreault: Hierarchical Scalable Photonic Architectures for High-Performance Processor Interconnection. IEEE Trans. Computers 42(9): 1105-1120 (1993)
5EEPatrick W. Dowd, Kalyani Bogineni: Simulation analysis of a collisionless multiple access protocol for a wavelength division multiplexed star-coupled configuration. Annual Simulation Symposium 1992: 129-138
4 Kalyani Bogineni, Patrick W. Dowd: Performance Comparison of Reservation and Preallocation Protocols for Star-Coupled WDM Photonic Networks. HPDC 1992: 94-103
3 Kalyani Bogineni, Patrick W. Dowd: Performance Analysis of Two Address Space Allocation Schemes for an Optically Interconnected Distributed Shared-Memory System. IPPS 1992: 562-566
2EEKrishna M. Sivalingam, Kalyani Bogineni, Patrick W. Dowd: Pre-Allocation Media Access Control Protocols for Multiple Access WDM Photonic Networks. SIGCOMM 1992: 235-246
1EEKalyani Bogineni, Patrick W. Dowd: An Optically Interconnected Distributed Shared Memory System: Architecture and Performance Analysis. International Journal of High Speed Computing 4(3): 179-212 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Khaled A. Aly [6] [11] [13]
2Flemming Andreasen [14]
3Patrick W. Dowd [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
4James A. Perreault [6] [11] [13]
5Krishna M. Sivalingam [2] [7] [8]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)