
Julian E. Boggess III

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3EEB. Frew, Terry Mayfield, Julian E. Boggess III, Marshall D. Abrams: Software Engineering and Security Engineering - An Argument for Merger (panel). CSEE&T 1999: 74-
2EERayford B. Vaughn, Julian E. Boggess III: Integration of computer security into the software engineering and computer science programs. Journal of Systems and Software 49(2-3): 149-153 (1999)
1EEJulian E. Boggess III: Some issues and problems in text tagging using neural networks. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1992: 397-400

Coauthor Index

1Marshall D. Abrams [3]
2B. Frew [3]
3Terry Mayfield [3]
4Rayford B. Vaughn [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)