
Rafal Bogacz

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13EERafal Bogacz, Kevin N. Gurney: The Basal Ganglia and Cortex Implement Optimal Decision Making Between Alternative Actions. Neural Computation 19(2): 442-477 (2007)
12EERafal Bogacz: Optimal decision network with distributed representation. Neural Networks 20(5): 564-576 (2007)
11EEEric Brown, Juan Gao, Philip Holmes, Rafal Bogacz, Mark S. Gilzenrat, Jonathan D. Cohen: Simple Neural Networks that Optimize Decisions. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 15(3): 803-826 (2005)
10EEPhilip Holmes, Eric Shea-Brown, Jeff Moehlis, Rafal Bogacz, Juan Gao, Gary Aston-Jones, Ed Clayton, Janusz Rajkowski, Jonathan D. Cohen: Optimal Decisions: From Neural Spikes, through Stochastic Differential Equations, to Behavior. IEICE Transactions 88-A(10): 2496-2503 (2005)
9EERafal Bogacz, Malcolm W. Brown: An anti-Hebbian model of familiarity discrimination in the perirhinal cortex. Neurocomputing 52-54: 1-6 (2003)
8EERafal Bogacz, Malcolm W. Brown: Capacity of perirhinal cortex network for recognising frequently repeating stimuli. Neurocomputing 44-46: 337-342 (2002)
7EERafal Bogacz, Malcolm W. Brown, Christophe G. Giraud-Carrier: A Familiarity Discrimination Algorithm Inspired by Computations of the Perirhinal Cortex. Emergent Neural Computational Architectures Based on Neuroscience 2001: 428-441
6 Rafal Bogacz, Malcolm W. Brown, Christophe G. Giraud-Carrier: Model of Familiarity Discrimination in the Perirhinal Cortex. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 10(1): 5-23 (2001)
5EERafal Bogacz, Malcolm W. Brown, Christophe G. Giraud-Carrier: Model of co-operation between recency, familiarity and novelty neurons in the perirhinal cortex. Neurocomputing 38-40: 1121-1126 (2001)
4EERafal Bogacz, Malcolm W. Brown, Christophe G. Giraud-Carrier: Frequency-Based Error Back-Propagation in a Cortical Network. IJCNN (2) 2000: 211-216
3 Rafal Bogacz, Malcolm W. Brown, Christophe G. Giraud-Carrier: Emergence of Movement Sensitive Neurons' Properties by Learning a Sparse Code for Natural Moving Images. NIPS 2000: 838-844
2 Rafal Bogacz, Christophe G. Giraud-Carrier: A Novel Modular Neural Architecture for Rule-Based and Similarity-Based Reasoning. Hybrid Neural Systems 1998: 63-77
1 Rafal Bogacz, Christophe G. Giraud-Carrier: BRAINN: A Connectionist Approach to Symbolic Reasoning. NC 1998: 907-913

Coauthor Index

1Gary Aston-Jones [10]
2Eric Brown [11]
3Malcolm W. Brown [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
4Ed Clayton [10]
5Jonathan D. Cohen [10] [11]
6Juan Gao [10] [11]
7Mark S. Gilzenrat [11]
8Christophe G. Giraud-Carrier [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
9Kevin N. Gurney [13]
10Philip Holmes [10] [11]
11Jeff Moehlis [10]
12Janusz Rajkowski [10]
13Eric Shea-Brown (Eric Brown) [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)