
A. Boehm

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3EEM. Hatzitheodorou, Evaggelia-Aggeliki Karabassi, Georgios Papaioannou, A. Boehm, Theoharis Theoharis: Stereo Matching Using Optic Flow. Real-Time Imaging 6(4): 251-266 (2000)
2EEAlexander Agathos, Theoharis Theoharis, A. Boehm: Efficient integer algorithms for the generation of conic sections. Computers & Graphics 22(5): 621-628 (1998)
1EEGeorgios Papaioannou, Theoharis Theoharis, A. Boehm: A texture controller. The Visual Computer 14(10): 488-496 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Agathos [2]
2M. Hatzitheodorou [3]
3Evaggelia-Aggeliki Karabassi [3]
4Georgios Papaioannou [1] [3]
5Theoharis Theoharis [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)