
Leon Bobrowski

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19EELeon Bobrowski: CPLClustering with Feature Costs. ICDM 2008: 177-188
18EELeon Bobrowski, Magdalena Topczewska: Induction of Similarity Measures for Case Based Reasoning Through Separable Data Transformations. Case-Based Reasoning on Images and Signals 2008: 127-148
17EELeon Bobrowski, Volodymir Mashtalir, Magdalena Topczewska: Pattern Discovery Through Separable Data Projections. Computer Recognition Systems 2 2008: 348-355
16EELeon Bobrowski, Ralph C. Huntsinger: Exploring the linearity of models on the basis of ranked data. SCSC 2007: 411-418
15EELeon Bobrowski: Multichannel Data Aggregation by Layers of Formal Neurons. ICAISC 2006: 1-8
14 Leon Bobrowski: Ranked patterns and structular linearisation of data sets. Industrial Conference on Data Mining - Posters 2006: 30-36
13EELeon Bobrowski: Linear Ranked Regression - Designing Principles. CORES 2005: 105-112
12EELeon Bobrowski: Separable Data Aggregation in Hierarchical Networks of Formal Neurons. ICANN (2) 2005: 289-294
11EELeon Bobrowski: Ranked Modelling with Feature Selection Based on the CPL Criterion Functions. MLDM 2005: 218-227
10EELeon Bobrowski, Mariusz Buzun, Karol Przybszewski: Integration of Public Information at the Regional Level - Challenges and Opportunities. EGOV 2004: 529-533
9EEMalgorzata Kretowska, Leon Bobrowski: Artificial Neural Networks in Identifying Areas with Homogeneous Survival Time. ICAISC 2004: 1008-1013
8EELeon Bobrowski, Tomasz Lukaszuk: Selection of the Linearly Separable Feature Subsets. ICAISC 2004: 544-549
7EELeon Bobrowski, Magdalena Topczewska: Improving the K-NN Classification with the Euclidean Distance Through Linear Data Transformations. Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2004: 23-32
6EELeon Bobrowski, Magdalena Topczewska: Tuning of Diagnosis Support Rules through Visualizing Data Transformations. ISMDA 2003: 15-22
5EELeon Bobrowski, Marek Kretowski: Induction of Multivariate Decision Trees by Using Dipolar Criteria. PKDD 2000: 331-336
4 Leon Bobrowski, Tomasz Sowinski: Ranked Rules and Data Visualization. PKDD 1998: 47-55
3EELeon Bobrowski: Design of piecewise linear classifiers from formal neurons by a basis exchange technique. Pattern Recognition 24(9): 863-870 (1991)
2EELeon Bobrowski: Linear discrimination with symmetrical models. Pattern Recognition 19(1): 101-109 (1986)
1EELeon Bobrowski, Wojciech Niemiro: A method of synthesis of linear discriminant function in the case of nonseparability. Pattern Recognition 17(2): 205-210 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Mariusz Buzun [10]
2Ralph C. Huntsinger [16]
3Malgorzata Kretowska [9]
4Marek Kretowski [5]
5Tomasz Lukaszuk [8]
6Volodymir Mashtalir [17]
7Wojciech Niemiro [1]
8Karol Przybszewski [10]
9Tomasz Sowinski [4]
10Magdalena Topczewska [6] [7] [17] [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)