
Jesús Bobadilla

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6EEJesús Bobadilla, Francisco Serradilla: The Effect of Sparsity on Collaborative Filtering Metrics. ADC 2009: 9-17
5EEJesús Bobadilla, Pedro Gomez, Juan I. Godino: Mapaci: A Real Time e-Health Application to Assist Throat Complaint Patients. ICIW 2007: 63
4EELuis Mengual, Jesús Bobadilla, Gracián Triviño: A Fuzzy Multi-agent System for Secure Remote Control of a Mobile Guard Robot. AWIC 2004: 44-53
3EEJesús Bobadilla, Luis Mengual: Cooperative Visualization Framework Based on Video Streaming and Real-Time Vectorial Information. CDVE 2004: 61-68
2EEJesús Bobadilla, Luis Mengual: Dynamic Quality Control Based on Fuzzy Agents for Multipoint Videoconferencing. IBERAMIA 2004: 22-31
1EEJesús Bobadilla: New Speech Enhancement Approach for Formant Evolution Detection. TSD 2004: 275-282

Coauthor Index

1Juan I. Godino [5]
2Pedro Gomez [5]
3Luis Mengual [2] [3] [4]
4Francisco Serradilla [6]
5Gracián Triviño [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)