
Nick Blundell

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5EENick Blundell, Norbert Egi, Laurent Mathy: Voice over application-level multicast. IPCCC 2006
4EENorbert Egi, Nick Blundell, Laurent Mathy: Efficient Overlay Audio Conferencing. Networking 2006: 666-677
3EELaurent Mathy, Nick Blundell, Vincent Roca, Ayman El-Sayed: Impact of Simple Cheating in Application-Level Multicast. INFOCOM 2004
2EENick Blundell, Laurent Mathy: Minimising Perceived Latency in Audio-Conferencing Systems over Application-Level Multicast. MIPS 2004: 1-12
1EENick Blundell, Laurent Mathy: Towards (perceived) latency minimisation in audio-conferencing systems over application-level multicast. SMC (5) 2004: 4612-4618

Coauthor Index

1Norbert Egi [4] [5]
2Ayman El-Sayed [3]
3Laurent Mathy [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Vincent Roca [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)