
Andrej Blaho

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4 Ivan Kalas, Andrej Blaho: Exploring visible mathematics with IMAGINE: Building new mathematical cultures with a powerful computational system. Learning in School, Home and Community 2002: 53-64
3 Ivan Kalas, Andrej Blaho: Young students and future teachers as passengers on the Logo engine. Secondary School Mathematics in the World of Communication Technology 1997: 41-52
2 Andrej Blaho, Ivan Kalas, Monika Matusova: Environment for Environments: A New Metaphor for Logo. Exploring a New Partnership: Children, Teachers and Technology 1994: 153-166
1 Andrej Blaho, Ivan Kalas: Thomash the Clown's Circus: Order in Action in Picture Languages. Informatics and Changes in Learning 1993: 79-86

Coauthor Index

1Ivan Kalas [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Monika Matusova [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)