
Marina Bitsaki

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6EEMarina Bitsaki, Olha Danylevych, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, George Koutras, Frank Leymann, Michele Mancioppi, Christos Nikolaou, Mike P. Papazoglou: Model Transformations to Leverage Service Networks. ICSOC Workshops 2008: 103-117
5EEMarina Bitsaki, Olha Danylevych, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, George Koutras, Frank Leymann, Michele Mancioppi, Christos Nikolaou, Mike P. Papazoglou: An Architecture for Managing the Lifecycle of Business Goals for Partners in a Service Network. ServiceWave 2008: 196-207
4EEMarina Bitsaki, George D. Stamoulis, Costas Courcoubetis: An efficient auction-based mechanism for hierarchically structured bandwidth markets. Computer Communications 29(7): 911-921 (2006)
3EEMarina Bitsaki, George D. Stamoulis, Costas Courcoubetis: A new strategy for bidding in the network-wide progressive second price auction for bandwidth. CoNEXT 2005: 146-155
2EEMarina Bitsaki, Manos Dramitinos, George D. Stamoulis, George Antoniadis: An E-marketplace for Auctions and Negotiations in the Constructions Sector. CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE (1) 2004: 422-441
1EEMarina Bitsaki, George D. Stamoulis, Costas Courcoubetis: An Efficient Auction Mechanism for Hierarchically Structured Bandwidth Markets. QofIS 2004: 308-317

Coauthor Index

1George Antoniadis [2]
2Costas Courcoubetis [1] [3] [4]
3Olha Danylevych [5] [6]
4Manos Dramitinos [2]
5Willem-Jan van den Heuvel [5] [6]
6George Koutras [5] [6]
7Frank Leymann [5] [6]
8Michele Mancioppi [5] [6]
9Christos Nikolaou [5] [6]
10Mike P. Papazoglou [5] [6]
11George D. Stamoulis [1] [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)