
Anjan Biswas

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6EEAnjan Biswas: Solitary wave solution for the generalized Kawahara equation. Appl. Math. Lett. 22(2): 208-210 (2009)
5EEDawn A. Lott, Auris Henriquez, Benjamin J. M. Sturdevant, Anjan Biswas: A numerical study of optical soliton-like structures resulting from the nonlinear Schrödinger's equation with square-root law nonlinearity. Applied Mathematics and Computation 207(2): 319-326 (2009)
4EEAnjan Biswas: Soliton-soliton interaction with dual-power law nonlinearity. Applied Mathematics and Computation 198(2): 605-612 (2008)
3EERussell Kohl, Anjan Biswas, Daniela Milovic, Essaid Zerrad: Perturbation of Gaussian optical solitons in dispersion-managed fibers. Applied Mathematics and Computation 199(1): 250-258 (2008)
2EEAnjan Biswas, Chenwi Zony, Essaid Zerrad: Soliton perturbation theory for the quadratic nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 203(1): 153-156 (2008)
1EEAnjan Biswas, Swapan Konar: Soliton perturbation theory for the fifth order KdV-type equations with power law nonlinearity. Appl. Math. Lett. 20(11): 1122-1125 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Auris Henriquez [5]
2Russell Kohl [3]
3Swapan Konar [1]
4Dawn A. Lott [5]
5Daniela Milovic [3]
6Benjamin J. M. Sturdevant [5]
7Essaid Zerrad [2] [3]
8Chenwi Zony [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)