
Anish Biswas

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8EESabyasachi Saha, Anish Biswas, Sandip Sen: Modeling opponent decision in repeated one-shot negotiations. AAMAS 2005: 397-403
7EESandip Sen, Anish Biswas, Sandip Debnath: Believing Others: Pros and Cons. ICMAS 2000: 279-286
6EESandip Sen, Anish Biswas: More than Envy-Free. ICMAS 2000: 433-434
5 Anish Biswas, Sandip Sen, Sandip Debnath: Limiting Deception in Groups of Social Agents. Applied Artificial Intelligence 14(8): 785-797 (2000)
4 Bikramjit Banerjee, Anish Biswas, Manisha Mundhe, Sandip Debnath, Sandip Sen: Using Bayesian Networks to Model Agent Relationships. Applied Artificial Intelligence 14(9): 867-879 (2000)
3EEAnish Biswas, Sandip Sen: Influence of Perspectives on Help-Giving Behaviors. Agents 1999: 352-353
2EEAnish Biswas, Sandip Sen: Learning to Model Behaviors from Boolean Responses. Agents 1999: 396-397
1EESandip Sen, Anish Biswas: Effects of Misconception on Reciprocative Agents. Agents 1998: 430-435

Coauthor Index

1Bikramjit Banerjee [4]
2Sandip Debnath [4] [5] [7]
3Manisha Mundhe [4]
4Sabyasachi Saha [8]
5Sandip Sen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

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