
Arnaud Bistoquet

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4EEArnaud Bistoquet, Oskar M. Skrinjar: Construction of endocardial and epicardial surface models from segmented MRI. ISBI 2008: 1481-1484
3EEArnaud Bistoquet, Oskar M. Skrinjar: Left Ventricular Deformation Recovery from Cine Mri Using A 4d Incompressible Model. ISBI 2007: 197-200
2EEArnaud Bistoquet, J. Oshinski, Oskar M. Skrinjar: Left Ventricular Deformation Recovery From Cine MRI Using an Incompressible Model. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 26(9): 1136-1153 (2007)
1EEArnaud Bistoquet, W. James Parks, Oskar M. Skrinjar: Myocardial Deformation Recovery Using a 3D Biventricular Incompressible Model. WBIR 2006: 110-119

Coauthor Index

1J. Oshinski [2]
2W. James Parks [1]
3Oskar M. Skrinjar [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)