
Judy M. Bishop

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14 Judy M. Bishop: Component Deployment, IFIP/ACM Working Conference, CD 2002, Berlin, Germany, June 20-21, 2002, Proceedings Springer 2002
13EETertius D. Wessels, Judy M. Bishop: Applying Distributed Object Technology to Network Planning. PDSE 2000: 40-50
12 Judy M. Bishop: Java as a systems programming language: three case studies. Systems Implementation 2000 1998: 72-85
11EEJudy M. Bishop, R. Faria: Characteristics of Modern System Implementation Languages. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1995: 18-25
10 Phillip Putter, Judy M. Bishop, Jan Roos: Towards policy driven systems management. Integrated Network Management 1995: 69-80
9EEJudy M. Bishop, Ken S. Thomas: Experience with multi-transputer Ada. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 5(2): 133-151 (1993)
8 Judy M. Bishop, Kevin M. Gregson: Literate Programming and the LIPED Environment. Structured Programming 13(1): 23-34 (1992)
7EEJudy M. Bishop: The Effect of Data Abstraction on Loop Programming Techniques. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(4): 389-402 (1990)
6 Judy M. Bishop, Stephen R. Adams, David J. Pritchard: Distributing Concurrent Ada Programs by Source Translation. Softw., Pract. Exper. 17(12): 859-884 (1987)
5 Judy M. Bishop: A Pascal Machine? Pascal - The Language and its Implementation 1981: 277-300
4 Judy M. Bishop, D. W. Barron: Principles of Descriptors. Comput. J. 24(3): 210-221 (1981)
3 Judy M. Bishop, D. W. Barron: Procedure Calling and Structured Architecture. Comput. J. 23(2): 115-123 (1980)
2 Judy M. Bishop: On Publication Pascal. Softw., Pract. Exper. 9(9): 711-717 (1979)
1 Judy M. Bishop: Implementing Strings in Pascal. Softw., Pract. Exper. 9(9): 779-788 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Stephen R. Adams [6]
2D. W. Barron [3] [4]
3R. Faria [11]
4Kevin M. Gregson [8]
5David J. Pritchard [6]
6Phillip Putter [10]
7Jan Roos [10]
8Ken S. Thomas [9]
9Tertius D. Wessels [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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