
Dagnachew Birru

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3EENayef A. Alsindi, Dagnachew Birru, Dong Wang: Ultra-Wideband Channel Measurement Characterization for Wireless Magnetic Resonance Imaging Applications. CISS 2007: 135-140
2EECarlos de M. Cordeiro, Kiran S. Challapali, Dagnachew Birru, Sai Shankar N.: IEEE 802.22: An Introduction to the First Wireless Standard based on Cognitive Radios. JCM 1(1): 38-47 (2006)
1 Chiu Ngo, Dagnachew Birru: Analysis of UWB Modulation Techniques. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2003: 646-652

Coauthor Index

1Nayef A. Alsindi [3]
2Kiran S. Challapali [2]
3Carlos de M. Cordeiro [2]
4Sai Shankar N. [2]
5Chiu Ngo [1]
6Dong Wang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)