
Arie Bialostocki

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15EEArie Bialostocki, Daniel Finkel, András Gyárfás: Disjoint chorded cycles in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 308(23): 5886-5890 (2008)
14 Arie Bialostocki, David J. Grynkiewicz: On the Intersection of two m-sets and the Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv Theorem. Ars Comb. 83: (2007)
13 Arie Bialostocki, Mark J. Nielsen: Minimum Sets Forcing Monochromatic Triangles. Ars Comb. 81: (2006)
12 Arie Bialostocki, Rasheed Sabar: On constrained 2-Partitions of monochromatic sets and generalizations in the sense of Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv. Ars Comb. 76: (2005)
11 Arie Bialostocki, William Voxman: On Monochromatic-Rainbow Generalizations of Two Ramsey Type Theorems. Ars Comb. 68: (2003)
10EEArie Bialostocki, Guy Bialostocki, Daniel Schaal: A zero-sum theorem. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 101(1): 147-152 (2003)
9EEArie Bialostocki, William Voxman: Generalizations of some Ramsey-type theorems for matchings. Discrete Mathematics 239(1-3): 101-107 (2001)
8EEArie Bialostocki, Hanno Lefmann, Terry Meerdink: On the degree of regularity of some equations. Discrete Mathematics 150(1-3): 49-60 (1996)
7EEArie Bialostocki, Paul Erdös, Hanno Lefmann: Monochromatic and zero-sum sets of nondecreasing diameter. Discrete Mathematics 137(1-3): 19-34 (1995)
6EEArie Bialostocki, P. Dierker: On the Erdös-Ginzburg-Ziv theorem and the Ramsey numbers for stars and matchings. Discrete Mathematics 110(1-3): 1-8 (1992)
5EEArie Bialostocki, P. Dierker: An isoperimetric lemma. Discrete Mathematics 94(3): 221-228 (1991)
4EEArie Bialostocki, P. Dierker, B. Voxman: Some notes on the Erdös-Szekeres theorem. Discrete Mathematics 91(3): 231-238 (1990)
3EEE. Barbut, Arie Bialostocki: A generalization of rotational tournaments. Discrete Mathematics 76(2): 81-87 (1989)
2EEArie Bialostocki, N. Sauer: On Ramsey-Turán type problems in tournaments. Discrete Mathematics 59(3): 221-228 (1986)
1EEArie Bialostocki: An application of the Ramsey theorem to ordered r-tournaments. Discrete Mathematics 61(2-3): 325-328 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1E. Barbut [3]
2Guy Bialostocki [10]
3P. Dierker [4] [5] [6]
4Paul Erdös [7]
5Daniel Finkel [15]
6David J. Grynkiewicz [14]
7András Gyárfás [15]
8Hanno Lefmann [7] [8]
9Terry Meerdink [8]
10Mark J. Nielsen [13]
11Rasheed Sabar [12]
12N. Sauer [2]
13Daniel Schaal [10]
14B. Voxman [4]
15William Voxman [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)