
Alejandro Bia

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17EEOscar Martínez Bonastre, Antonio Peñalver, Juan Manuel Hernansaez, Jose Juan Lopez, Enrique Lazcorreta, Alejandro Bia: UCD/SW: A Distributed System to Promote Cooperative Learning Using Semantic Web and Ubiquitous Computing. CDVE 2008: 225-228
16 Alejandro Bia, Juan Malonda, Federico Botella: A Multilingual Markup Translation Web-Service - An Entry Level Solution to Internationalize XML Markup Vocabularies. WEBIST (1) 2006: 63-68
15EEAlejandro Bia, Jaime Gómez: DiCoMo: An Algorithm Based Method to Estimate Digitization Costs in Digital Libraries. ECDL 2005: 519-520
14EEAlejandro Bia, Jaime Gómez: UML for Document Modeling: Designing Document Structures for Massive and Systematic Production of XML-based Web Contents. MoDELS 2005: 648-660
13EEJaime Gómez, Alejandro Bia, Antonio Párraga: Tool Support for Model-Driven Development of Web Applications. WISE 2005: 721-730
12EEAmit Kumar, Alejandro Bia, Martin Holmes, Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, John Walsh: <teiPublisher>: Bridging the Gap Between a Simple Set of Structured Documents and a Functional Digital Library. ECDL 2004: 432-441
11EEAlejandro Bia, Irene Garrigós, Jaime Gómez: Personalizing Digital Libraries at Design Time: The Miguel de Cervantes Digital Library Case Study. ICWE 2004: 225-229
10 Alejandro Bia, Manuel Sánchez-Quero: XML para Bibliotecas Digitales, Editoriales e Investigadores. JBIDI 2003: 25
9EEAlejandro Bia, Manuel Sánchez-Quero: Desarrollo de una política de preservación digital: tecnología, planificación y perseverancia. JBIDI 2002
8EEFrancesca Marí-Domènec, Alejandro Bia: Técnicas de producción masiva de contenidos para bibliotecas digitales. JBIDI 2002
7EEAlejandro Bia: The Miguel de Cervantes Digital Library: a wide diversity of content, media, functionality and services. JCDL 2002: 371
6EESoledad Vélez, Manuel Sánchez-Quero, Juan Carlos García, Alejandro Bia: Building a digital collection of manuscripts from the library of the royal palace of Spain. JCDL 2002: 412
5EEArkady B. Zaslavsky, Alejandro Bia, Krisztián Monostori: Using Copy-Detection and Text Comparison Algorithms for Cross-Referencing Multiple Editions of Literary Works. ECDL 2001: 103-114
4 Alejandro Bia, Manuel Sánchez-Quero: Diseño de un procedimiento de marcado para la automatización del procesamiento de textos digitales usando XML y TEI. JBIDI 2001
3EEAlejandro Bia: A versatile facsimile and transcription service for manuscripts and rare old books at the Miguel de Cervantes digital library. JCDL 2001: 477
2EEAlejandro Bia: Alopex-B: A New, Simpler, But Yet Faster Version Of The Alopex Training Algorithm. Int. J. Neural Syst. 11(6): 497-507 (2001)
1EEAlejandro Bia: A Study of Possible Improvements to the Alopex Training Algorithm. SBRN 2000: 125-130

Coauthor Index

1Oscar Martínez Bonastre [17]
2Federico Botella [16]
3Juan Carlos García [6]
4Irene Garrigós [11]
5Jaime Gómez [11] [13] [14] [15]
6Juan Manuel Hernansaez [17]
7Martin Holmes [12]
8Amit Kumar [12]
9Enrique Lazcorreta [17]
10Jose Juan Lopez [17]
11Juan Malonda [16]
12Francesca Marí-Domènec [8]
13Krisztián Monostori [5]
14Antonio Párraga [13]
15Antonio Peñalver [17]
16Manuel Sánchez-Quero [4] [6] [9] [10]
17Susan Schreibman [12]
18Ray Siemens [12]
19Soledad Vélez [6]
20John Walsh [12]
21Arkady B. Zaslavsky [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)