
Muddun Bhuruth

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7 Mohammad Sameer Sunhaloo, Ashvin Gopaul, Muddun Bhuruth: Convergence Analysis of a Two-Grid Iteration for a Compact Fourth-Order Scheme for a Model Convection-Diffusion Problem. CSC 2008: 375-381
6 Mohammad Sameer Sunhaloo, Muddun Bhuruth: Symmetric Positive Definite Based Preconditioners For Discrete Convection-diffusion Problems. CSC 2006: 158-163
5EEAshvin Gopaul, Muddun Bhuruth: Analysis of a Fourth-Order Scheme for a Three-Dimensional Convection-Diffusion Model Problem. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 28(6): 2075-2094 (2006)
4 Mohammad Sameer Sunhaloo, Ashvin Gopaul, Ravindra Boojhawon, Muddun Bhuruth: Sparse Approximate Inverse Smoothing For Multigrid Solution of Nine-Point Approximations For Convection-Diffusion Problems. CSC 2005: 52-58
3 Ravindra Boojhawon, Muddun Bhuruth: Deflated GMRES Algorithms For Cyclically Reduced Three-Dimensional Convection-Diffusion Problems. CSC 2005: 59-66
2EERavindra Boojhawon, Muddun Bhuruth: Restarted Simpler GMRES augmented with harmonic Ritz vectors. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 20(3): 389-397 (2004)
1EERavindra Boojhawon, Muddun Bhuruth: Restarted Simpler GMRES Augmented with Harmonic Ritz Vectors. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2002: 393-402

Coauthor Index

1Ravindra Boojhawon [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Ashvin Gopaul [4] [5] [7]
3Mohammad Sameer Sunhaloo [4] [6] [7]

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