
Rekha Bhowmik

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6 Rekha Bhowmik, Ilhyun Lee: Facility Design using Iterative Heuristic Algorithm. SEDE 2008: 79-84
5EERekha Bhowmik: Building Design Optimization Using Sequential Linear Programming. JCP 3(4): 58-64 (2008)
4 Venkat N. Gudivada, Jagadeesh Nandigam, Rekha Bhowmik: Eclipse as an Integrated Platform for Teaching Software Engineering. FECS 2007: 243-249
3 Rekha Bhowmik: OQL-based data mining query language. CAINE 2006: 295-300
2 Rekha Bhowmik: Association Rules Mining Algorithm. Computers and Their Applications 2005: 86-90
1 Rekha Bhowmik, Sunil Kaushik: Implementing Knowledge Repository Retriever in Knowledge Management. IASSE 2003: 128-131

Coauthor Index

1Venkat N. Gudivada [4]
2Sunil Kaushik [1]
3Ilhyun Lee [6]
4Jagadeesh Nandigam [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)