
B. Bhattacharyya

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6EEB. R. Sarkar, B. Doloi, B. Bhattacharyya: Experimental investigation into electrochemical discharge microdrilling on advanced ceramics. IJMTM 13(2/3/4): 214-225 (2008)
5EEB. Bhattacharyya, S. K. Goswami: A Decomposition Approach for Combined Heuristic and Differential Evolution Method for the Reactive Power Problem. PReMI 2007: 261-268
4EES. K. Deb, B. Bhattacharyya: Fuzzy decision support system for manufacturing facilities layout planning. Decision Support Systems 40(2): 305-314 (2005)
3EEA. S. Kuar, B. Doloi, B. Bhattacharyya: Experimental investigations on Nd: YAG laser cutting of silicon nitride. IJMTM 7(2/3/4): 181-191 (2005)
2EES. Sarkar, S. Mitra, B. Bhattacharyya: Wire electrical discharge machining of gamma titanium aluminide for optimum process criteria yield in single pass cutting operation. IJMTM 7(2/3/4): 207-223 (2005)
1EES. K. Deb, B. Bhattacharyya, S. K. Sorkhel: Material Handling Equipment Selection by Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making Methods. AFSS 2002: 99-105

Coauthor Index

1S. K. Deb [1] [4]
2B. Doloi [3] [6]
3S. K. Goswami [5]
4A. S. Kuar [3]
5S. Mitra [2]
6B. R. Sarkar [6]
7S. Sarkar [2]
8S. K. Sorkhel [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)