
Arijit Bhattacharya

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10EEI. Suharto, Sani Susanto, Neneng Tintin Rosmiyanti, Arijit Bhattacharya: Fuzzy Multi-objective Linear Programming Having Probabilistic Constraints: Application in Product-Mix Decision-Making. FSKD (4) 2008: 652-656
9EESani Susanto, Neneng Tintin Rosmiyanti, Pandian Vasant, Arijit Bhattacharya: Fuzzy Multi-object Linear Programming Application in Product-Mix Decision-Making. Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2007: 552-555
8EEPandian Vasant, Arijit Bhattacharya, Bijan Sarkar, Sanat Kumar Mukherjee: Detection of level of satisfaction and fuzziness patterns for MCDM model with modified flexible S-curve MF. Appl. Soft Comput. 7(3): 1044-1054 (2007)
7EEArijit Bhattacharya, Pandian Vasant: Soft-sensing of level of satisfaction in TOC product-mix decision heuristic using robust fuzzy-LP. European Journal of Operational Research 177(1): 55-70 (2007)
6EEPandian Vasant, Arijit Bhattacharya: Sensing degree of fuzziness in MCDM model using modified flexible S-curve MF. Int. J. Systems Science 38(4): 279-291 (2007)
5EEArijit Bhattacharya, Ajith Abraham, Crina Grosan, Pandian Vasant, Sangyong Han: Meta-Learning Evolutionary Artificial Neural Network for Selecting Flexible Manufacturing Systems. ISNN (2) 2006: 891-897
4EESani Susanto, Pandian Vasant, Arijit Bhattacharya, Fransiscus Rian Pratikto: Fuzzy LP with a Non-Linear MF for Product-Mix Solution: A Case-Based Re-modelling and Solution. JCIS 2006
3 Arijit Bhattacharya, Pandian Vasant: Product-mix Design Decision under TOC by Soft-sensing of Level of Satisfaction using Modified Fuzzy-LP. Integrated Intelligent Systems for Engineering Design 2006: 63-81
2 Pandian Vasant, Arijit Bhattacharya: Fuzzified TOC Product-Mix Decision for Measuring Level of Satisfaction. CITA 2005: 161-168
1EEPandian Vasant, Arijit Bhattacharya, Nadir Barsoum: Fuzzy Patterns in Multi-level of Satisfaction for MCDM Model Using Modified Smooth S-Curve MF. FSKD (2) 2005: 1294-1303

Coauthor Index

1Ajith Abraham [5]
2Nadir Barsoum [1]
3Crina Grosan [5]
4Sang-Yong Han (Sangyong Han) [5]
5Sanat Kumar Mukherjee [8]
6Fransiscus Rian Pratikto [4]
7Neneng Tintin Rosmiyanti [9] [10]
8Bijan Sarkar [8]
9I. Suharto [10]
10Sani Susanto [4] [9] [10]
11Pandian Vasant [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

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