
Nitin Bhardwaj

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6EESanjay Kumar Dhurandher, Sudip Misra, Namit Nangia, Nitin Bhardwaj, Pankaj Goyal, Sumit Aggarwal, Mohammad S. Obaidat: An Efficient Approach for Location Updating in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Annual Simulation Symposium 2008: 61-67
5 Sachin Lakra, Nand Kumar, Sugandha Hooda, Nitin Bhardwaj: A Metric for The Activeness of an Object Oriented Component Library. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2007: 704-709
4EENitin Bhardwaj, Robert V. Stahelin, Guijun Zhao, Wonhwa Cho, Hui Lu: MeTaDoR: a comprehensive resource for membrane targeting domains and their host proteins. Bioinformatics 23(22): 3110-3112 (2007)
3EENitin Bhardwaj, Hui Lu: Correlation between gene expression profiles and protein-protein interactions within and across genomes. Bioinformatics 21(11): 2730-2738 (2005)
2EESaikat Chakrabarti, Prem A. Anand, Nitin Bhardwaj, Ganesan Pugalenthi, Ramanathan Sowdhamini: SCANMOT: searching for similar sequences using a simultaneous scan of multiple sequence motifs. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Web-Server-Issue): 274-276 (2005)
1EESaikat Chakrabarti, Nitin Bhardwaj, Prem A. Anand, Ramanathan Sowdhamini: Improvement of alignment accuracy utilizing sequentially conserved motifs. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 167 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Sumit Aggarwal [6]
2Prem A. Anand [1] [2]
3Saikat Chakrabarti [1] [2]
4Wonhwa Cho [4]
5Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher [6]
6Pankaj Goyal [6]
7Sugandha Hooda [5]
8Nand Kumar [5]
9Sachin Lakra [5]
10Hui Lu [3] [4]
11Sudip Misra [6]
12Namit Nangia [6]
13Mohammad S. Obaidat [6]
14Ganesan Pugalenthi [2]
15Ramanathan Sowdhamini [1] [2]
16Robert V. Stahelin [4]
17Guijun Zhao [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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