
Jong Bhak

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5EEUnitsa Sangket, Amornrat Phongdara, Wilaiwan Chotigeat, Darran Nathan, Woo-Yeon Kim, Jong Bhak, Chumpol Ngamphiw, Sissades Tongsima, Asif M. Khan, Honghuang Lin, Tin Wee Tan: Automatic synchronization and distribution of biological databases and software over low-bandwidth networks among developing countries. Bioinformatics 24(2): 299-301 (2008)
4EESungsoo Kang, Sung-Jin Yang, Sangsoo Kim, Jong Bhak: CONSORF: a consensus prediction system for prokaryotic coding sequences. Bioinformatics 23(22): 3088-3090 (2007)
3EESunghoon Lee, Byungwook Lee, Insoo Jang, Sangsoo Kim, Jong Bhak: Localizome: a server for identifying transmembrane topologies and TM helices of eukaryotic proteins utilizing domain information. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Web-Server-Issue): 99-103 (2006)
2EESungsam Gong, Changbum Park, Hansol Choi, Junsu Ko, Insoo Jang, Jungsul Lee, Dan M. Bolser, Donghoon Oh, Deok-Soo Kim, Jong Bhak: A protein domain interaction interface database: InterPare. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 207 (2005)
1EEDaeui Park, Semin Lee, Dan M. Bolser, Michael Schroeder, Michael Lappe, Donghoon Oh, Jong Bhak: Comparative interactomics analysis of protein family interaction networks using PSIMAP (protein structural interactome map). Bioinformatics 21(15): 3234-3240 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Dan M. Bolser [1] [2]
2Hansol Choi [2]
3Wilaiwan Chotigeat [5]
4Sungsam Gong [2]
5Insoo Jang [2] [3]
6Sungsoo Kang [4]
7Asif M. Khan [5]
8Deok-Soo Kim [2]
9Sangsoo Kim [3] [4]
10Woo-Yeon Kim [5]
11Junsu Ko [2]
12Michael Lappe [1]
13Byungwook Lee [3]
14Jungsul Lee [2]
15Semin Lee [1]
16Sunghoon Lee [3]
17Honghuang Lin [5]
18Darran Nathan [5]
19Chumpol Ngamphiw [5]
20Donghoon Oh [1] [2]
21Changbum Park [2]
22Daeui Park [1]
23Amornrat Phongdara [5]
24Unitsa Sangket [5]
25Michael Schroeder [1]
26Tin Wee Tan [5]
27Sissades Tongsima [5]
28Sung-Jin Yang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)