
Olaf Beyersdorff

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16EEOlaf Beyersdorff, Johannes Köbler, Sebastian Müller: Nondeterministic Instance Complexity and Proof Systems with Advice. LATA 2009: 164-175
15EEOlaf Beyersdorff, Sebastian Müller: A Tight Karp-Lipton Collapse Result in Bounded Arithmetic. CSL 2008: 199-214
14EEOlaf Beyersdorff: Logical Closure Properties of Propositional Proof Systems. TAMC 2008: 318-329
13EEOlaf Beyersdorff, Arne Meier, Michael Thomas, Heribert Vollmer: The Complexity of Reasoning for Fragments of Default Logic CoRR abs/0808.3884: (2008)
12EEOlaf Beyersdorff, Arne Meier, Michael Thomas, Heribert Vollmer: The Complexity of Propositional Implication CoRR abs/0811.0959: (2008)
11EEOlaf Beyersdorff, Johannes Köbler, Sebastian Müller: Nondeterministic Instance Complexity and Proof Systems with Advice. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 15(075): (2008)
10EEOlaf Beyersdorff: Tuples of Disjoint NP-Sets. Theory Comput. Syst. 43(2): 118-135 (2008)
9EEOlaf Beyersdorff: The Deduction Theorem for Strong Propositional Proof Systems. FSTTCS 2007: 241-252
8EEOlaf Beyersdorff: Classes of representable disjoint NP-pairs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 377(1-3): 93-109 (2007)
7EEOlaf Beyersdorff: Tuples of Disjoint NP-Sets. CSR 2006: 80-91
6EEOlaf Beyersdorff: Disjoint NP-Pairs from Propositional Proof Systems. TAMC 2006: 236-247
5EEOlaf Beyersdorff: On the Deduction Theorem and Complete Disjoint NP-Pairs. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 13(142): (2006)
4EEOlaf Beyersdorff: Disjoint NP-Pairs from Propositional Proof Systems Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(083): (2005)
3EEOlaf Beyersdorff: Tuples of Disjoint NP-Sets Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(123): (2005)
2EEOlaf Beyersdorff: Representable Disjoint NP-Pairs. FSTTCS 2004: 122-134
1EEOlaf Beyersdorff: Representable Disjoint NP-Pairs Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(082): (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Johannes Köbler [11] [16]
2Arne Meier [12] [13]
3Sebastian Müller [11] [15] [16]
4Michael Thomas [12] [13]
5Heribert Vollmer [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)