
Christian Bey

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15EEChristian Bey, Gohar M. M. Kyureghyan: On Boolean functions with the sum of every two of them being bent. Des. Codes Cryptography 49(1-3): 341-346 (2008)
14EEChristian Bey: The edge-diametric theorem in Hamming spaces. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(9): 1510-1517 (2008)
13EEChristian Bey, Martin Henk, Jörg M. Wills: Notes on the Roots of Ehrhart Polynomials. Discrete & Computational Geometry 38(1): 81-98 (2007)
12EEChristian Bey: Remarks on an Edge Isoperimetric Problem. GTIT-C 2006: 971-978
11EEChristian Bey: Remarks on an edge isoperimetric problem. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 21: 243 (2005)
10EEChristian Bey: The Edge-Diametric Theorem in Hamming Spaces. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 21: 245-248 (2005)
9EEChristian Bey: On Cross-intersecting Families of Sets. Graphs and Combinatorics 21(2): 161-168 (2005)
8EEChristian Bey: Polynomial Lym Inequalities. Combinatorica 25(1): 19-38 (2004)
7EEChristian Bey: An upper bound on the sum of squares of degrees in a hypergraph. Discrete Mathematics 269(1-3): 259-263 (2003)
6EEChristian Bey, Konrad Engel, Gyula O. H. Katona, Uwe Leck: On the average size of sets in intersecting Sperner families. Discrete Mathematics 257(2-3): 259-266 (2002)
5EERudolf Ahlswede, Christian Bey, Konrad Engel, Levon H. Khachatrian: The t-intersection Problem in the Truncated Boolean Lattice. Eur. J. Comb. 23(5): 471-487 (2002)
4EEChristian Bey: An intersection theorem for weighted sets. Discrete Mathematics 235(1-3): 145-150 (2001)
3EEChristian Bey: The Erdos-Ko-Rado Bound for the Function Lattice. Discrete Applied Mathematics 95(1-3): 115-125 (1999)
2EEChristian Bey, Konrad Engel: An Asymptotic Complete Intersection Theorem for Chain Products. Eur. J. Comb. 20(5): 321-327 (1999)
1 Christian Bey: On incidence matrices of finite affine geometries. Ars Comb. 47: (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Rudolf Ahlswede [5]
2Konrad Engel [2] [5] [6]
3Martin Henk [13]
4Gyula O. H. Katona [6]
5Levon H. Khachatrian [5]
6Gohar M. M. Kyureghyan [15]
7Uwe Leck [6]
8Jörg M. Wills (J. M. Wills) [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)