
Lisa A. Best

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4EELisa A. Best, Laurence D. Smith, D. Alan Stubbs: Detection of Sample Differences from Dot Plot Displays. Diagrams 2008: 293-307
3EEBrandie M. Stewart, Aren C. Hunter, Lisa A. Best: The Relationship between Graph Comprehension and Spatial Imagery: Support for an Integrative Theory of Graph Cognition. Diagrams 2008: 415-418
2EELisa A. Best: Visual Extrapolation of Linear and Nonlinear Trends: Does the Knowledge of Underlying Trend Type Affect Accuracy and Response Bias?. SCSS (1) 2007: 273-278
1EELisa A. Best, Aren C. Hunter, Brandie M. Stewart: Perceiving Relationships: A Physiological Examination of the Perception of Scatterplots. Diagrams 2006: 244-257

Coauthor Index

1Aren C. Hunter [1] [3]
2Laurence D. Smith [4]
3Brandie M. Stewart [1] [3]
4D. Alan Stubbs [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)