
Neil J. Bershad

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5EENeil J. Bershad, José Carlos M. Bermudez, Jean-Yves Tourneret: Stochastic Analysis of the LMS Algorithm for System Identification With Subspace Inputs. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56(3): 1018-1027 (2008)
4EENeil J. Bershad, Anurag Bist: Fast coupled adaptation for sparse impulse responses using a partial haar transform. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53(3): 966-976 (2005)
3EEM. H. Costa, José Carlos M. Bermudez, Neil J. Bershad: Statistical analysis of the FXLMS algorithm with a nonlinearity in the secondary-path. ISCAS (3) 1999: 166-169
2 Hiroshi Ochi, Neil J. Bershad: A New Frequency-Domain LMS Adaptive Filter with Reduced-Sized FFT's. ISCAS 1995: 1608-1611
1EEJohn J. Shynk, Neil J. Bershad: Stationary points of a single-layer perceptron for nonseparable data models. Neural Networks 6(2): 189-202 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1José Carlos M. Bermudez [3] [5]
2Anurag Bist [4]
3M. H. Costa [3]
4Hiroshi Ochi [2]
5John J. Shynk [1]
6Jean-Yves Tourneret [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)