
François Bernier

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7 François Rioux, François Bernier, Denis Laurendeau: Visualizing and Interacting with Multiple Simulations Using the Multichronic Tree. MSV 2008: 116-122
6EEFrançois Rioux, François Bernier, Denis Laurendeau: Design and implementation of an XML-based, technology-unified data pipeline for interactive simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 1130-1138
5 Marielle Mokhtari, François Lemieux, François Bernier, Denis Ouellet, Richard Drouin, Denis Laurendeau, Alexandra Branzan Albu: Virtual Environment and Sensori-Motor Activities: Visualization. WSCG 2004: 293-300
4 Marielle Mokhtari, François Bernier, François Lemieux, H. Martel, Jean-Marc Schwartz, Denis Laurendeau, Alexandra Branzan Albu: Virtual Environment and Sensori-Motor Activities: Haptic, Auditory and Olfactory Devices. WSCG (Posters) 2004: 109-112
3 François Bernier, E. Boivin, Denis Laurendeau, Marielle Mokhtari, François Lemieux: Conceptual Models for Describing Virtual Worlds. WSCG (Posters) 2004: 25-28
2EEFrançois Bernier, Denis Poussart, Denis Laurendeau, Martin Simoneau: Interaction-Centric Modelling for Interactive Virtual Worlds: The APIA Approach. ICPR (3) 2002: 1007-1010
1EEDenis Poussart, François Bernier, Martin Simoneau: Virtual Environments for Critical Intervention Support: Modeling, Design and Implementation Issues. 3DIM 1999: 126-127

Coauthor Index

1Alexandra Branzan Albu [4] [5]
2E. Boivin [3]
3Richard Drouin [5]
4Denis Laurendeau [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
5François Lemieux [3] [4] [5]
6H. Martel [4]
7Marielle Mokhtari [3] [4] [5]
8Denis Ouellet [5]
9Denis Poussart [1] [2]
10François Rioux [6] [7]
11Jean-Marc Schwartz [4]
12Martin Simoneau [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)