
Amaia Bernaras

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8EECarlos Pedrinaci, Tim Smithers, Amaia Bernaras: Opportunistic Reasoning for the Semantic Web: Adapting Reasoning to the Environment. New Forms of Reasoning for the Semantic Web 2007
7EECarlos Pedrinaci, Ziv Baida, Hans Akkermans, Amaia Bernaras, Jaap Gordijn, Tim Smithers: Music Rights Clearance Business Analysis and Delivery. EC-Web 2005: 198-207
6EECarlos Pedrinaci, Tim Smithers, Amaia Bernaras: Technical Issues in the Development of Knowledge-Based Services for the Semantic Web. SWAP 2005
5EECarlos Pedrinaci, Amaia Bernaras, Tim Smithers, Jessica Aguado, Manuel Cendoya: A Framework for Ontology Reuse and Persistence Integrating UML and Sesame. CAEPIA 2003: 37-46
4EEAndreas Maier, Nieves Peña, Iñaki Laresgoiti, Amaia Bernaras: Knowledge Integration. WOW 2003
3 Andreas Maier, Jessica Aguado, Amaia Bernaras, Iñaki Laresgoiti, Cosios Pedinaci, Nieves Peña, Tim Smithers: Integration with Ontologies. Wissensmanagement 2003: 21-24
2 Amaia Bernaras, Iñaki Laresgoiti, Jose Manuel Corera: Building and Reusing Ontologies for Electrical Network Applications. ECAI 1996: 298-302
1 V. Arlanzón, Amaia Bernaras, Iñaki Laresgoiti: Configuring Service Recovery Planning with the CommonKADS Library. EKAW 1996: 338-353

Coauthor Index

1Jessica Aguado [3] [5]
2Hans Akkermans (J. M. Akkermans) [7]
3V. Arlanzón [1]
4Ziv Baida [7]
5Manuel Cendoya [5]
6Jose Manuel Corera [2]
7Jaap Gordijn [7]
8Iñaki Laresgoiti [1] [2] [3] [4]
9Andreas Maier [3] [4]
10Cosios Pedinaci [3]
11Carlos Pedrinaci [5] [6] [7] [8]
12Nieves Peña [3] [4]
13Tim Smithers [3] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)