
Eric G. Berkowitz

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7 Eric G. Berkowitz: MAICS 2004, Fifteenth Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences Conference, Chicago IL, April 16-18, 2004, Proceedings Omnipress 2004
6 Eric G. Berkowitz, Mohamed Reda Elkhadiri, Tim Sahouri, Michel Abraham: Intelligent Content Based Title and Author Name Extraction from Formatted Documents. MAICS 2004: 119-124
5 Eric G. Berkowitz, Mohamed Reda Elkhadiri: Creation of a Style Independent Intelligent Autonomous Citation Indexer to Support Academic Research. MAICS 2004: 68-73
4 Eric G. Berkowitz, Brian E. Mastenbrook: Autonomous Generation of Grounded Spatial Primitives for Agent Reasoning and Communication. IC-AI 2003: 789-792
3 Eric G. Berkowitz, Brian E. Mastenbrook: Grounded Concept Development Using Introspective Atoms. MAICS 2003: 5-9
2 Brian E. Mastenbrook, Eric G. Berkowitz: Representing Symbolic Reasoning. MAICS 2003: 96-101
1EEEric G. Berkowitz, Peter H. Greene: Body-Based Reasoning Using a Feeling-Based Lexicon, Mental Imagery, and an Object-Oriented Metaphor Hierarchy. Canadian Conference on AI 2001: 47-56

Coauthor Index

1Michel Abraham [6]
2Mohamed Reda Elkhadiri [5] [6]
3Peter H. Greene [1]
4Brian E. Mastenbrook [2] [3] [4]
5Tim Sahouri [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)