
Shlomo Berkovsky

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24EEShlomo Berkovsky, Timothy Baldwin, Ingrid Zukerman: Aspect-Based Personalized Text Summarization. AH 2008: 267-270
23EEYosi Ben-Asher, Shlomo Berkovsky, Paolo Busetta, Yaniv Eytani, Sadek Jbara, Tsvi Kuflik: Adaptive Retrieval of Semi-structured Data. AH 2008: 32-41
22EEFabian Bohnert, Ingrid Zukerman, Shlomo Berkovsky, Timothy Baldwin, Liz Sonenberg: Using Collaborative Models to Adaptively Predict Visitor Locations in Museums. AH 2008: 42-51
21EETsvi Kuflik, Shlomo Berkovsky, Dominik Heckmann, Antonio Krüger: UbiqUM 2008: theories and applications of ubiquitous user modeling. IUI 2008: 438
20EEFabian Bohnert, Ingrid Zukerman, Shlomo Berkovsky, Timothy Baldwin, Liz Sonenberg: Using interest and transition models to predict visitor locations in museums. AI Commun. 21(2-3): 195-202 (2008)
19EEShlomo Berkovsky, Tsvi Kuflik, Francesco Ricci: Mediation of user models for enhanced personalization in recommender systems. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 18(3): 245-286 (2008)
18EEShlomo Berkovsky, Tsvi Kuflik, Francesco Ricci: Distributed collaborative filtering with domain specialization. RecSys 2007: 33-40
17EEShlomo Berkovsky, Yaniv Eytani, Tsvi Kuflik, Francesco Ricci: Enhancing privacy and preserving accuracy of a distributed collaborative filtering. RecSys 2007: 9-16
16EEShlomo Berkovsky, Tsvi Kuflik, Francesco Ricci: Cross-Domain Mediation in Collaborative Filtering. User Modeling 2007: 355-359
15EEShlomo Berkovsky, Yaniv Eytani, Larry M. Manevitz: Efficient Collaborative Filtering in Content-Addressable Spaces. IJPRAI 21(2): 265-289 (2007)
14EEShlomo Berkovsky, Tsvi Kuflik, Francesco Ricci: Cross-Technique Mediation of User Models. AH 2006: 21-30
13EEShlomo Berkovsky: Decentralized Mediation of User Models for a Better Personalization. AH 2006: 404-408
12 Shlomo Berkovsky, Dan Goldwasser, Tsvi Kuflik, Francesco Ricci: Identifying Inter-Domain Similarities Through Content-Based Analysis of Hierarchical Web-Directories. ECAI 2006: 789-790
11 Shlomo Berkovsky, Yaniv Eytani, Larry M. Manevitz: Collaborative Filtering Based on Content Addressing. ICEIS (2) 2006: 91-98
10EEShlomo Berkovsky, Yaniv Eytani, Larry M. Manevitz: Retrieval of Collaborative Filtering Nearest Neighbors in a Content-Addressable Space. ICEIS (Selected Papers) 2006: 159-178
9EEShlomo Berkovsky, Tsvi Kuflik, Lora Aroyo, Dominik Heckmann, Alexander Kröner, Francesco Ricci, Geert-Jan Houben: Predicting User Experiences through Cross-Context Reasoning. LWA 2006: 27-31
8EEYosi Ben-Asher, Shlomo Berkovsky, Yaniv Eytani: Management of unspecified semi-structured data in multi-agent environment. SAC 2006: 101-105
7EEYosi Ben-Asher, Shlomo Berkovsky: Semantic Data Management in Peer-to-Peer E-Commerce Applications. J. Data Semantics VI: 115-142 (2006)
6EEShlomo Berkovsky, Tsvi Kuflik, Francesco Ricci: P2P Case Retrieval with an Unspecified Ontology. ICCBR 2005: 91-105
5EEShlomo Berkovsky, Tsvi Kuflik, Francesco Ricci: Entertainment Personalization Mechanism Through Cross-Domain User Modeling. INTETAIN 2005: 215-219
4EEShlomo Berkovsky, Yaniv Eytani: Semantic Platform for Context-Aware Publish/Subscribe M-Commerce. SAINT Workshops 2005: 188-191
3EEShlomo Berkovsky: Ubiquitous User Modeling in Recommender Systems. User Modeling 2005: 496-498
2EEShlomo Berkovsky, Yaniv Eytani, Avigdor Gal: Measuring the Relative Performance of Schema Matchers. Web Intelligence 2005: 366-371
1EEYosi Ben-Asher, Shlomo Berkovsky, Ariel Tammam, Edi Shmueli: Using a J2EE Cluster for Parallel Computation of Join Queries in Distributed Databases. ISPDC/HeteroPar 2004: 58-63

Coauthor Index

1Lora Aroyo [9]
2Timothy Baldwin [20] [22] [24]
3Yosi Ben-Asher [1] [7] [8] [23]
4Fabian Bohnert [20] [22]
5Paolo Busetta [23]
6Yaniv Eytani [2] [4] [8] [10] [11] [15] [17] [23]
7Avigdor Gal [2]
8Dan Goldwasser [12]
9Dominik Heckmann [9] [21]
10Geert-Jan Houben [9]
11Sadek Jbara [23]
12Alexander Kröner [9]
13Antonio Krüger [21]
14Tsvi Kuflik [5] [6] [9] [12] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [23]
15Larry M. Manevitz [10] [11] [15]
16Francesco Ricci [5] [6] [9] [12] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19]
17Edi Shmueli [1]
18Liz Sonenberg [20] [22]
19Ariel Tammam [1]
20Ingrid Zukerman [20] [22] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)