
C. Berge

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8EEC. Berge, Jean-Luc Fouquet: On the optimal transversals of the odd cycles. Discrete Mathematics 169(1-3): 169-175 (1997)
7EEC. Berge: Preface. Discrete Mathematics 111(1-3): 1 (1993)
6EEC. Berge, Pierre Duchet: Recent problems and results about kernels in directed graphs. Discrete Mathematics 86(1-3): 27-31 (1990)
5EEC. Berge: A new color change to improve the coloring of a graph. Discrete Applied Mathematics 24(1-3): 25-28 (1989)
4EEC. Berge: Minimax relations for the partial q- colorings of a graph. Discrete Mathematics 74(1-2): 3-14 (1989)
3EEC. Berge, Michel Las Vergnas: Transversals of circuits and acyclic orientations in graphs and matroids. Discrete Mathematics 50: 107-108 (1984)
2 C. Berge, C. C. Chen, Vasek Chvátal, C. S. Seow: Combinatorial properties of polyominoes. Combinatorica 1(3): 217-224 (1981)
1EEC. Berge, F. Sterboul: Equipartite colorings in graphs and hypergraphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 22(2): 97-113 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1C. C. Chen [2]
2Vasek Chvátal [2]
3Pierre Duchet [6]
4Jean-Luc Fouquet [8]
5C. S. Seow [2]
6F. Sterboul [1]
7Michel Las Vergnas [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)