
August Bequai

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17 August Bequai: Safeguards for IT managers and staff under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Computers & Security 22(2): 124-127 (2003)
16 August Bequai: Syndicated crime and international terrorism: the lessons of `9-11'. Computers & Security 21(4): 333-337 (2002)
15 August Bequai: White collar crime: a handmaiden of international tech terrorism. Computers & Security 21(6): 514-519 (2002)
14 August Bequai: Software Concerns And The Internet. Computers & Security 20(1): 28-30 (2001)
13 August Bequai: Proprietary Data: Eldorado in Cyber-Space. Computers & Security 20(5): 372-373 (2001)
12 August Bequai: Organized Crime Goes Cyber. Computers & Security 20(6): 475-478 (2001)
11 August Bequai: Romancing The Internet And Management's Quagmire. Computers & Security 19(7): 591-595 (2000)
10 August Bequai: America's Internet Commerce and The Threat of Fraud. Computers & Security 19(8): 688-691 (2000)
9EEAugust Bequai: Cyber-crime the US experience. Computers & Security 18(1): 16-18 (1999)
8EEAugust Bequai: Monitoring employee communications in cyberspace: The pitfalls facing management. Computers & Security 18(2): 109-112 (1999)
7EEAugust Bequai: Employers and the internet: Legal woes and concerns. Computers & Security 18(4): 303-306 (1999)
6EEAugust Bequai: High-tech security and the failings of president clinton's commission on critical infrastructure protection. Computers & Security 17(1): 19-21 (1998)
5EEAugust Bequai: Software pirating and management's quagmire. Computers & Security 17(1): 22-26 (1998)
4EEAugust Bequai: Balancing legal concerns over crime and security in cyberspace. Computers & Security 17(4): 293-298 (1998)
3EEAugust Bequai: Techno-crimes: Failings of the legal edifice. Computers & Security 17(5): 381-384 (1998)
2EEAugust Bequai: A guide to cyber-crime investigations. Computers & Security 17(7): 579-582 (1998)
1EEAugust Bequai: Employee abuses in cyberspace: Management's legal quagmire. Computers & Security 17(8): 667-670 (1998)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)