
Daniel E. Bentil

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3EEJames P. Hoffmann, Christopher D. Ellingwood, Osei M. Bonsu, Daniel E. Bentil: Ecological Model Selection via Evolutionary Computation and Information Theory. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 5(2): 229-241 (2004)
2 Daniel E. Bentil: Modelling and Simulation of Motility in Actomyosin Systems. Journal of Computational Biology 5(1): 73-86 (1998)
1 Daniel E. Bentil, Kofi B. Acheampong, Robert K. Wright, David M. Warshaw: Piconewton Forces and Nanometre Steps: An Assessment of Experimental Results for Actimyosin Interaction Using Huxley Kinetics. BCEC 1997: 228-237

Coauthor Index

1Kofi B. Acheampong [1]
2Osei M. Bonsu [3]
3Christopher D. Ellingwood [3]
4James P. Hoffmann [3]
5David M. Warshaw [1]
6Robert K. Wright [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)