
John L. Bennett

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13EEJohn L. Bennett: Foreseeing the future: ACM97. Interactions 4(4): 66-74 (1997)
12EEJohn L. Bennett, John Karat: Working Through Meetings: A Framework for Designing Meeting Support (Tutorial). CSCW 1996: 4
11 John L. Bennett: Building Relationships for Technology Transfer. Commun. ACM 39(9): 35-36 (1996)
10EEJohn L. Bennett, John Karat: Facilitating effective HCI design meetings. CHI 1994: 198-204
9EEJohn L. Bennett, John Karat: Facilitating effective HCI design meetings. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 213
8EEChristine V. Bullen, John L. Bennett: Learning from User Experience with Groupware. CSCW 1990: 291-302
7 John L. Bennett, Peter Conklin, Karmen Guevara, Wendy E. Mackay, Tom Sancha: HCI seen from the perspective of software developers. INTERACT 1990: 1039-1042
6 John Karat, John L. Bennett: Supporting effective and efficient design meetings. INTERACT 1990: 365-370
5 John Karat, John L. Bennett: Modelling the user interaction methods imposed by designs. Informatics and Psychology Workshop 1989: 257-269
4 John L. Bennett: Tools for Building Advanced User Interfaces. IBM Systems Journal 25(3/4): 354-368 (1986)
3 John L. Bennett: Meeting Usability Goals for Software Products. Software-Ergonomie 1985: 32-41
2 Christine V. Bullen, John L. Bennett, Eric D. Carlson: A Case Study of Office Workstation Use. IBM Systems Journal 21(3): 351-369 (1982)
1 Eric D. Carlson, John L. Bennett, Gary M. Giddings, Patrick E. Mantey: The Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Geo-Data Analysis and Display System. IFIP Congress 1974: 1057-1061

Coauthor Index

1Christine V. Bullen [2] [8]
2Eric D. Carlson [1] [2]
3Peter Conklin [7]
4Gary M. Giddings [1]
5Karmen Guevara [7]
6John Karat [5] [6] [9] [10] [12]
7Wendy E. Mackay [7]
8Patrick E. Mantey [1]
9Tom Sancha [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)