
Yehuda Ben-Shimol

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4EEAmos Beimel, Boaz Ben-Moshe, Yehuda Ben-Shimol, Paz Carmi, Eldad Chai, Itzik Kitroser, Eran Omri: Matrix columns allocation problems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(21-23): 2174-2183 (2009)
3EEYehuda Ben-Shimol, Boaz Ben-Moshe, Yoav Ben-Yehezkel, Amit Dvir, Michael Segal: Automated antenna positioning algorithms for wireless fixed-access networks. J. Heuristics 13(3): 243-263 (2007)
2EEYehuda Ben-Shimol, Yoav Ben-Yehezkel: LOad based Contention resOlution Media Access Control (LOCO-MAC) Protocol. BROADNETS 2006
1EENathan Blaunstein, Yehuda Ben-Shimol: Spectral properties of signal fading and Doppler spectra distribution in urban mobile communication links. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 6: 113-126 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Amos Beimel [4]
2Boaz Ben-Moshe [3] [4]
3Yoav Ben-Yehezkel [2] [3]
4Nathan Blaunstein [1]
5Paz Carmi [4]
6Eldad Chai [4]
7Amit Dvir [3]
8Itzik Kitroser [4]
9Eran Omri [4]
10Michael Segal [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)