
Frank Bellosa

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13EEAndreas Merkel, Frank Bellosa: Task activity vectors: a new metric for temperature-aware scheduling. EuroSys 2008: 1-12
12EEAndreas Merkel, Frank Bellosa: Memory-aware Scheduling for Energy Efficiency on Multicore Processors. HotPower 2008
11EEJan Stoess, Christian Lang, Frank Bellosa: Energy Management for Hypervisor-Based Virtual Machines. USENIX Annual Technical Conference 2007: 1-14
10EEAndreas Merkel, Frank Bellosa: Balancing power consumption in multiprocessor systems. EuroSys 2006: 403-414
9EEFrank Bellosa: When physical is not real enough. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 2004: 25
8EEAndreas Weissel, Matthias Faerber, Frank Bellosa: Application Characterization for Wireless Network Power Management. ARCS 2004: 231-245
7EEAndreas Weissel, Frank Bellosa: Process cruise control: event-driven clock scaling for dynamic power management. CASES 2002: 238-246
6EEAndreas Weissel, Bjórn Beutel, Frank Bellosa: Cooperative I/O: A Novel I/O Semantics for Energy-Aware Applications. OSDI 2002
5EEMichael Golm, Jürgen Kleinöder, Frank Bellosa: Beyond Address Spaces - Flexibility, Performance, Protection, and Resource Management in the Type-Safe JX Operating System. HotOS 2001: 3-8
4 Uwe Rastofer, Frank Bellosa: Component-based software engineering for distributed embedded real-time systems. IEE Proceedings - Software 148(3): 99-103 (2001)
3EEFrank Bellosa: The benefits of event: driven energy accounting in power-sensitive systems. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 2000: 37-42
2 Frank Bellosa: Locality Information Based Scheduling in Shared Memory Multiprocessors. JSSPP 1996: 271-289
1 Frank Bellosa, Martin Steckermeier: The Performance Limits of Locality Information Usage in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 37(1): 113-121 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Bjórn Beutel [6]
2Matthias Faerber [8]
3Michael Golm [5]
4Jürgen Kleinöder [5]
5Christian Lang [11]
6Andreas Merkel [10] [12] [13]
7Uwe Rastofer [4]
8Martin Steckermeier [1]
9Jan Stoess [11]
10Andreas Weissel [6] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)