
Nicolas Belloir

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10EENatacha Hoang, Nicolas Belloir, Cong-Duc Pham, Séverine Sentilles: Valentine: A Dynamic and Adaptive Operating System for Wireless Sensor Networks. COMPSAC 2008: 1297-1302
9 Nicolas Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel, Eric Cariou: Implémentation d'un modèle UML de composition hiérarchique. LMO 2007: 35-48
8EENicolas Belloir, Fabien Romeo, Jean-Michel Bruel: Whole-Part based Composition Approach: A Case Study. EUROMICRO 2004: 66-73
7 Nicolas Belloir, Fabien Romeo: Vérification a priori de modèle de composition logicielle. INFORSID 2004: 163-178
6EENicolas Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel, Franck Barbier: Test intégré dans les composants logiciels. L'OBJET 10(1): 89-102 (2004)
5EEFranck Barbier, Nicolas Belloir: Component Behavior Prediction and Monitoring through Built-In Test. ECBS 2003: 17-22
4EENicolas Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel, Franck Barbier: Whole-Part Relationships for Software Component Combination. EUROMICRO 2003: 86-93
3EEFranck Barbier, Nicolas Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel: Incorporation of Test Functionality into Software Components. ICCBSS 2003: 25-35
2 Nicolas Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel, Franck Barbier: Application de la théorie de la relation Tout-Partie à la composition de composants logiciels. INFORSID 2003: 35-50
1EEChristian Sallaberry, Eric Andonnof, Nicolas Belloir: WDBQS: A Unified Access to Distant Databases Via a Simple Web-Tool. DEXA 2000: 815-824

Coauthor Index

1Eric Andonnof [1]
2Franck Barbier [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Jean-Michel Bruel [2] [3] [4] [6] [8] [9]
4Eric Cariou [9]
5Natacha Hoang [10]
6Cong-Duc Pham [10]
7Fabien Romeo [7] [8]
8Christian Sallaberry [1]
9Séverine Sentilles [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)