
Siegfried Bell

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5 Siegfried Bell: Dependency Mining in Relational Databases. ECSQARU-FAPR 1997: 16-29
4 Siegfried Bell: Semantische Anfrageoptimierung - das aktuelle Schlagwort. Informatik Spektrum 19(5): 266-267 (1996)
3 Siegfried Bell, Peter Brockhausen: Discovery of Constraints and Data Dependencies in Databases (Extended Abstract). ECML 1995: 267-270
2 Siegfried Bell: Discovery and Maintenance of Functional Dependencies by Independencies. KDD 1995: 27-32
1 Birgit Tausend, Siegfried Bell: Analogical Reasoning for Logic Programming. EWSL 1991: 391-397

Coauthor Index

1Peter Brockhausen [3]
2Birgit Tausend [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)