
Sarah B. M. Bell

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9 Sarah B. M. Bell, Fred C. Holroyd: Lattice Rings: Coordinates for Self-Similar Hierarchies and Their Relevance to Geographic Information Systems. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 10(2): 147-177 (1996)
8EESarah B. M. Bell: Fractals: a fast, accurate and illuminating algorithm. Image Vision Comput. 13(4): 253-257 (1995)
7 David C. Mason, M. A. O'Conaill, Sarah B. M. Bell: Handling Four-Dimensional Geo-Referenced Data in Environmental GIS. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 8(2): 191-215 (1994)
6EEDavid C. Mason, C. J. Oddy, A. J. Rye, Sarah B. M. Bell, M. Illingworth, K. Preedy, C. Angelikaki, E. Pearson: Spatial database manager for a multi-source image understanding system. Image Vision Comput. 11(1): 25-34 (1993)
5EESarah B. M. Bell, Fred C. Holroyd: Tesseral amalgamators and hierarchical tessellations. Image Vision Comput. 9(5): 313-328 (1991)
4EEDavid C. Mason, C. J. Oddy, A. J. Rye, Sarah B. M. Bell, M. Illingworth, K. Preedy, C. Angelikaki, E. Pearson: A spatial database manager for a generic image-understanding system. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 31(2): 290-297 (1991)
3 Sarah B. M. Bell, David C. Mason: Tesseral Quaternions for the Octtree. Comput. J. 33(5): 386-397 (1990)
2EESarah B. M. Bell, Fred C. Holroyd, David C. Mason: A digital geometry for hexagonal pixels. Image Vision Comput. 7(3): 194-204 (1989)
1EESarah B. M. Bell, B. M. Diaz, Fred C. Holroyd, M. J. Jackson: Spatially referenced methods of processing raster and vector data. Image Vision Comput. 1(4): 211-220 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1C. Angelikaki [4] [6]
2Bernard M. Diaz (B. M. Diaz) [1]
3Fred C. Holroyd [1] [2] [5] [9]
4M. Illingworth [4] [6]
5M. J. Jackson [1]
6David C. Mason [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
7M. A. O'Conaill [7]
8C. J. Oddy [4] [6]
9E. Pearson [4] [6]
10K. Preedy [4] [6]
11A. J. Rye [4] [6]

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