
George I. Bell

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15EEGeorge I. Bell: Notes on solving and playing peg solitaire on a computer CoRR abs/0903.3696: (2009)
14EEGeorge I. Bell: The mathematics of Septoku CoRR abs/0801.3697: (2008)
13EEGeorge I. Bell: The shortest game of Chinese Checkers and related problems CoRR abs/0803.1245: (2008)
12EEGeorge I. Bell: Triangular Peg Solitaire Unlimited CoRR abs/0711.0486: (2007)
11EEGeorge I. Bell: Diamond Solitaire CoRR abs/0711.2749: (2007)
10EEGeorge I. Bell: Solving Triangular Peg Solitaire CoRR abs/math/0703865: (2007)
9EEGeorge I. Bell: Diagonal Peg Solitaire CoRR abs/math/0606122: (2006)
8EEGeorge I. Bell, Daniel S. Hirschberg, Pablo Guerrero-García: The minimum size required of a solitaire army CoRR abs/math/0612612: (2006)
7 Djangir A. Babayev, George I. Bell: An Optimization Problem with a Separable Non-Convex Objective Function and a Linear Constraint. J. Heuristics 7(2): 169-184 (2001)
6EEGeorge I. Bell: Evolution of Simple Sequence Repeats. Computers & Chemistry 20(1): 41-48 (1996)
5EEGeorge I. Bell, David C. Torney: Repetitive DNA Sequences: Some Considerations for Simple Sequence Repeats. Computers & Chemistry 17(2): 185-190 (1993)
4EEGeorge I. Bell: Roles of Repetitive Sequences. Computers & Chemistry 16(2): 135-143 (1992)
3 G. T. Mullenbach, A. Tabrizi, B. D. Irvine, George I. Bell, R. A. Hallewell: Sequence of a cDNA coding for human glutathione peroxidase confirms TGA encodes active site selenocysteine. Nucleic Acids Research 15(13): 5484 (1987)
2 N. K. Hayward, D. J. Nancarrow, George I. Bell: A Taq I polymorphism for the human transforming growth factor alpha gene (TGFA). Nucleic Acids Research 15(13): 5503 (1987)
1 George I. Bell, R. C. Najarian, G. T. Mullenbach, R. A. Hallewell: cDNA sequence coding for human kidney catalase. Nucleic Acids Research 14(13): 5561-5562 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Djangir A. Babayev [7]
2Pablo Guerrero-García [8]
3R. A. Hallewell [1] [3]
4N. K. Hayward [2]
5Daniel S. Hirschberg [8]
6B. D. Irvine [3]
7G. T. Mullenbach [1] [3]
8R. C. Najarian [1]
9D. J. Nancarrow [2]
10A. Tabrizi [3]
11David C. Torney [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)