
Stefan Becuwe

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6EEFranky Backeljauw, Stefan Becuwe, Annie A. M. Cuyt: Validated Evaluation of Special Mathematical Functions. AISC/MKM/Calculemus 2008: 206-216
5EEAnnie A. M. Cuyt, Stefan Becuwe: Towards Reliable Software for the Evaluation of a Class of Special Functions. ICMS 2006: 308-319
4EEStefan Becuwe, Annie A. M. Cuyt: On the fast solution of Toeplitz-block linear systems arising in multivariate approximation theory. Numerical Algorithms 43(1): 1-24 (2006)
3EEStefan Becuwe, Annie A. M. Cuyt, Brigitte Verdonk: Multivariate Rational Interpolation of Scattered Data. LSSC 2003: 204-213
2EEAnnie A. M. Cuyt, Brigitte Verdonk, Stefan Becuwe, Peter Kuterna: A Remarkable Example of Catastrophic Cancellation Unraveled. Computing 66(3): 309-320 (2001)
1EEStefan Becuwe, Annie A. M. Cuyt: On the Froissart phenomenon in multivariate homogeneous Padé approximation. Adv. Comput. Math. 11(1): 21-40 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Franky Backeljauw [6]
2Annie A. M. Cuyt [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Peter Kuterna [2]
4Brigitte Verdonk [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)