
Ronald Beaubrun

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11EEMehdi Mekni, Ronald Beaubrun: A Model-Driven Simulation for Performance Evaluation of 1xEV-DO. FGCN (1) 2007: 162-166
10 Ronald Beaubrun: Throughput Analysis of High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA). ICWN 2007: 60-63
9EESiarhei Smolau, Ronald Beaubrun: State-oriented programming for TinyOS. SCSC 2007: 766-771
8EERonald Beaubrun, Samuel Pierre, Jean Conan: Analysis of Traffic Distribution and Blocking Probability in Future Wireless Networks. IJWIN 14(1): 47-53 (2007)
7EEOmar Rachid Hadjar, Ronald Beaubrun: Implémentation et évaluation de la technologie HSDPA. CCECE 2006: 1797-1800
6EEMamadou M. Diallo, Samuel Pierre, Ronald Beaubrun: An Approach for Cell Assignment in UMTS Networks. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
5EEA. D. Assouma, Ronald Beaubrun, Samuel Pierre: Mobility management in heterogeneous wireless networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(3): 638-648 (2006)
4EERonald Beaubrun, Samuel Pierre, Jean Conan: An approach for managing global mobility and roaming in the next-generation wireless systems. Computer Communications 28(5): 571-581 (2005)
3EERonald Beaubrun, Samuel Pierre: Technological developments and socio-economic issues of wireless mobile communications. Telematics and Informatics 18(2-3): 143-158 (2001)
2EESamuel Pierre, Ronald Beaubrun: Integrating routing and survivability in fault-tolerant computer network design. Computer Communications 23(4): 317-327 (2000)
1EERonald Beaubrun, Samuel Pierre: A routing algorithm for distributed communication networks. LCN 1997: 99-105

Coauthor Index

1A. D. Assouma [5]
2Jean Conan [4] [8]
3Mamadou M. Diallo [6]
4Omar Rachid Hadjar [7]
5Mehdi Mekni [11]
6Samuel Pierre [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
7Siarhei Smolau [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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