
Rajan Batta

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28EEAvijit Sarkar, Rajan Batta, Rakesh Nagi: Finding rectilinear least cost paths in the presence of convex polygonal congested regions. Computers & OR 36(3): 737-754 (2009)
27EEXiaofeng Nie, Rajan Batta, Colin G. Drury, Li Lin: Passenger grouping with risk levels in an airport security system. European Journal of Operational Research 194(2): 574-584 (2009)
26EEMohan R. Akella, Rajan Batta, Moises Sudit, Peter A. Rogerson, Alan Blatt: Cellular network configuration with co-channel and adjacent-channel interference constraints. Computers & OR 35(12): 3738-3757 (2008)
25EERajan Batta: Foreword. Computers & OR 35(6): 1757-1758 (2008)
24EEElif Tokar Erdemir, Rajan Batta, Seth Spielman, Peter A. Rogerson, Alan Blatt, Marie Flanigan: Location coverage models with demand originating from nodes and paths: Application to cellular network design. European Journal of Operational Research 190(3): 610-632 (2008)
23EEArun Jotshi, Rajan Batta: Search for an immobile entity on a network. European Journal of Operational Research 191(2): 347-359 (2008)
22EESimone Appelt, Rajan Batta, Li Lin, Colin G. Drury: Simulation of passenger check-in at a medium-sized US airport. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 1252-1260
21EEVedat Akgün, Amit Parekh, Rajan Batta, Christopher M. Rump: Routing of a hazmat truck in the presence of weather systems. Computers & OR 34(5): 1351-1373 (2007)
20EERajan Batta, Oded Berman, Qian Wang: Balancing staffing and switching costs in a service center with flexible servers. European Journal of Operational Research 177(2): 924-938 (2007)
19EEAvijit Sarkar, Rajan Batta, Rakesh Nagi: Placing a finite size facility with a center objective on a rectangular plane with barriers. European Journal of Operational Research 179(3): 1160-1176 (2007)
18EEHari Kelachankuttu, Rajan Batta, Rakesh Nagi: Contour line construction for a new rectangular facility in an existing layout with rectangular departments. European Journal of Operational Research 180(1): 149-162 (2007)
17EEVellara L. Lazar Babu, Rajan Batta, Li Lin: Passenger grouping under constant threat probability in an airport security system. European Journal of Operational Research 168(2): 633-644 (2006)
16EEQiang Gong, Rajan Batta: A Queue-Length Cutoff Model for a Preemptive Two-Priority $M/M/1$ System. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 67(1): 99-115 (2006)
15EESimin Huang, Rajan Batta, Kathrin Klamroth, Rakesh Nagi: The K -Connection Location Problem in a Plane. Annals OR 136(1): 193-209 (2005)
14EEQian Wang, Rajan Batta, Robert J. Szczerba: Sequencing the processing of incoming mail to match an outbound truck delivery schedule. Computers & OR 32: 1777-1791 (2005)
13EEMohan R. Akella, Rajan Batta, Eric M. Delmelle, Peter A. Rogerson, Alan Blatt, Glenn Wilson: Base station location and channel allocation in a cellular network with emergency coverage requirements. European Journal of Operational Research 164(2): 301-323 (2005)
12EEMayur Vamanan, Qian Wang, Rajan Batta, Robert J. Szczerba: Integration of COTS software products ARENA & CPLEX for an inventory/logistics problem. Computers & OR 31(4): 533-547 (2004)
11EEPavankumar Nandikonda, Rajan Batta, Rakesh Nagi: Locating a 1-Center on a Manhattan Plane with "Arbitrarily" Shaped Barriers. Annals OR 123(1-4): 157-172 (2003)
10EEQian Wang, Rajan Batta, Joyendu Bhadury, Christopher M. Rump: Budget constrained location problem with opening and closing of facilities. Computers & OR 30(13): 2047-2069 (2003)
9EEQian Wang, Rajan Batta, Christopher M. Rump: Algorithms for a Facility Location Problem with Stochastic Customer Demand and Immobile Servers. Annals OR 111(1-4): 17-34 (2002)
8EESteven J. D'Amico, Shoou-Jiun Wang, Rajan Batta, Christopher M. Rump: A simulated annealing approach to police district design. Computers & OR 29(6): 667-684 (2002)
7EEJorge H. Jaramillo, Joy Bhadury, Rajan Batta: On the use of genetic algorithms to solve location problems. Computers & OR 29(6): 761-779 (2002)
6EEPeiwu Zhao, Rajan Batta: An aggregation approach to solving the network p-median problem with link demands. Networks 36(4): 233-241 (2000)
5EEMamnoon Jamil, Alok Baveja, Rajan Batta: The stochastic queue center problem. Computers & OR 26(14): 1423-1436 (1999)
4EEDake Sun, Rajan Batta, Li Lin: Effective job shop scheduling through active chain manipulation. Computers & OR 22(2): 159-172 (1995)
3EEYuemin Ding, Alok Baveja, Rajan Batta: Implementing larson and sadiq's location model in a geographic information system. Computers & OR 21(4): 447-454 (1994)
2EERam Gopalan, Rajan Batta, Mark H. Karwan: The equity constrained shortest path problem. Computers & OR 17(3): 297-307 (1990)
1EERajan Batta, Lloyd A. Leifer: On the accuracy of demand point solutions to the planar, manhattan metric, p-median problem, with and without barriers to travel. Computers & OR 15(3): 253-262 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Mohan R. Akella [13] [26]
2Vedat Akgün [21]
3Simone Appelt [22]
4Vellara L. Lazar Babu [17]
5Alok Baveja [3] [5]
6Oded Berman [20]
7Joy Bhadury [7]
8Joyendu Bhadury [10]
9Alan Blatt [13] [24] [26]
10Steven J. D'Amico [8]
11Eric M. Delmelle [13]
12Yuemin Ding [3]
13Colin G. Drury [22] [27]
14Elif Tokar Erdemir [24]
15Marie Flanigan [24]
16Qiang Gong [16]
17Ram Gopalan [2]
18Simin Huang [15]
19Mamnoon Jamil [5]
20Jorge H. Jaramillo [7]
21Arun Jotshi [23]
22Mark H. Karwan [2]
23Hari Kelachankuttu [18]
24Kathrin Klamroth [15]
25Lloyd A. Leifer [1]
26Li Lin [4] [17] [22] [27]
27Rakesh Nagi [11] [15] [18] [19] [28]
28Pavankumar Nandikonda [11]
29Xiaofeng Nie [27]
30Amit Parekh [21]
31Peter A. Rogerson [13] [24] [26]
32Christopher M. Rump [8] [9] [10] [21]
33Avijit Sarkar [19] [28]
34Seth Spielman [24]
35Moises Sudit [26]
36Dake Sun [4]
37Robert J. Szczerba [12] [14]
38Mayur Vamanan [12]
39Qian Wang [9] [10] [12] [14] [20]
40Shoou-Jiun Wang [8]
41Glenn Wilson [13]
42Peiwu Zhao [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)