
Eloi Batlle

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10EEPedro Cano, Eloi Batlle, Emilia Gómez, Leandro de C. T. Gomes, Madeleine Bonnet: Audio Fingerprinting: Concepts And Applications. Computational Intelligence for Modelling and Prediction 2005: 233-245
9EEPedro Cano, Eloi Batlle, Ton Kalker, Jaap Haitsma: A Review of Audio Fingerprinting. VLSI Signal Processing 41(3): 271-284 (2005)
8 Eloi Batlle, Jaume Masip, Enric Guaus, Pedro Cano: Scalability issues in an HMM-based audio fingerprinting. ICME 2004: 735-738
7EEJose Pedro, Vadim Tarasov, Eloi Batlle, Enric Guaus, Jaume Masip: Industrial audio fingerprinting distributed system with CORBA and Web Services. ISMIR 2004
6EEEloi Batlle, Helmut Neuschmied, Peter Uray, Gerd Ackermann: Recognition and analysis of audio for copyright protection: The RAA project. JASIST 55(12): 1084-1091 (2004)
5 Pedro Cano, Eloi Batlle, Emilia Gómez, Leandro de C. T. Gomes, Madeleine Bonnet: Audio Fingerprinting: Concepts and Application. FSKD 2002: 389-393
4 Pedro Cano, Eloi Batlle, Ton Kalker, Jaap Haitsma: A review of algorithms for audio fingerprinting. IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing 2002: 169-173
3EEPedro Cano, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Fabien Gouyon, Eloi Batlle: On the use of FastMap for Audio Retrieval and Browsing. ISMIR 2002
2EEEloi Batlle, Pedro Cano: Automatic Segmentation for Music Classification using Competitive Hidden Markov Models. ISMIR 2000
1EEPerfecto Herrera-Boyer, Xavier Amatriain, Eloi Batlle, Xavier Serra: Towards Instrument Segmentation for Music Content Description: a Critical Review of Instrument Classification Techniques. ISMIR 2000

Coauthor Index

1Gerd Ackermann [6]
2Xavier Amatriain [1]
3Madeleine Bonnet [5] [10]
4Pedro Cano [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9] [10]
5Leandro de C. T. Gomes [5] [10]
6Emilia Gómez [5] [10]
7Fabien Gouyon [3]
8Enric Guaus [7] [8]
9Jaap Haitsma [4] [9]
10Perfecto Herrera-Boyer [1]
11Ton Kalker [4] [9]
12Martin Kaltenbrunner [3]
13Jaume Masip [7] [8]
14Helmut Neuschmied [6]
15Jose Pedro [7]
16Xavier Serra [1]
17Vadim Tarasov [7]
18Peter Uray [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)